Sunday, October 14, 2012

Lost and looking to find...

Where are you?

Seriously, I feel like some of you are lost or I am lost over here on Multiply, wandering around in a daze.

I feel the need to take a head count, some kind of roll call to see if anyone is still here.

I know so many of us are testing out new blog sites still and I think it would be helpful, at least for me, if those of you could post a comment below just where you are, or plan to be.

I opened up 6 new blog accounts on different sites, and I need to start thinking about paring it all down to just one or two sites at the most.

So I need to know where you are to help me decide which direction to go. I know I won't be able to find all of you  on those one or two sites, but I am really, really hoping that it could be possible. You may be on a blog site that I am not aware of, you may be on a site that I am, and have friended me, but are thinking of going somewhere else.

There is only roughtly six weeks left here on Multiply. We won't be here much longer. So if you could, tell me where you are, where you are going to set up camp, where you plan to be. So I can find you and not feel so lost.


  1. A lot of the other sites seem dead. I only have two others and so far they are inactive lol

  2. So far I think blogger, blogster, and xanga seem to the forerunners, at least I think they are. But I really need people to post where they plan to be so I can find them and delete those accounts for those other sites that seem to be out of the running

  3. You know I am at Xanga which I now understand reasonably well but it has gone dead after the initial rush. I also have a page at Google but so far am completely not understanding it although I have imported all my Multiply stuff to it.I also have a Facebook account which I visit most days but only respond sparsly to its interaction. Maiinly birthdays and family and pokes.
    I have set up accounts for Bob and Des at Xanga, also Des has a minimal Facebook account. and we both have Skype, Yahoo and Windows Live Messenger contact points as does Bob.

  4. Good morning Vic. Yeah I don't have Xanga yet but I'll go open one and see how active it is. FB is still the winner I think.

  5. So Xanga is your preference? I have several contacts over there but it has been quiet. Even being gone with my computer down, I was surprised there weren't very many updates in that time period.

  6. Yes, I will always have you on fb as a back up, but I know a lot of folks on here mainly use fb for family, and some are uncomfortable blending their internet family with their "real" one..

  7. Yes I don't blend my family with my real account. They don't need to read the rude comments and posts... this way I can be freeeeeeeeeeee. Btw I just opened one on Xanga. How do I search for people???

  8. That seems to be a problem on all of the new accounts I have opened, finding people George! I am viccles2004 on all of my blog sites, are you listed as freemandom on Xanga?

  9. No i'm there as myself on Xanga - georgemandom.

  10. weird... when I clicked on your account in Xanga... it took me to multiply. I feel like I am trapped in some alternate universe. Did you plug me into your science experiment again???

  11. Uh huh...any moment you should start turning pink and feel the need to sit in the corner popping bubble wrap ;))

  12. I know you're new to Blogster but get over there and find your way around, it's not that difficult. Hands down it is the most friendly, active and social of all the sites I've checked. It's not perfect but unless something goes terribly wrong it looks to be my primary blogging site for the future.

    I do plan to maintain my Blogger site for possible use since we how know that a backup plan is a good idea. Blogger is a great site but it lacks the 'social' features which are so important to a feeling of community.

    I have fb (strictly for family type stuff) and xanga, which is dead because most of the people *I* know there decided that Blogster was the far better choice so xanga is pretty much off the table.

    Unfortunately we may not have six weeks here on Multiply, it's been quite glitchy lately and some are reporting many hours at a time, unable to access the site. There are also reports of an Anonymous attack on Multiply on Oct. 27; I doubt it will happen but if it does it's just one more problem for us here.

    All my stuff here is backed up and I update those backups frequently to avoid losing anything. Let's go play at Blogster! ;-)

  13. Yes, I did have problems with getting the message that the site was down for maintenance for awhile yesterday. One does wonder if the next time that happens if it will be back up. I have you added on those sites mentioned above.

  14. Oh no.... what have you done to me???

  15. I appreciate a bit of maintenance but I've heard of people being unable to log in for a day or more and at times some of my content seems to come and go and some of my content here is just gone but fortunately I have it backed up.

    I know everyone is tired of going from site to site but spend some time on Blogster, i think you'll like it.

  16. You could have kept it informal and just called me master. LOL ;-)

  17. I 'ditto' oz..... opened a blogger for back up and probably picture perfect.... [ you have 2 bloggers I am following]
    love blogster....
    and have a xanga too.... but not doing any thing over there anymore....

  18. Yeah, it's been pretty dead around here lately - I log in, and no one is around most of the time, so I log back out. :(

    I opened a Xanga account as you know, but have no intention of doing anything there until xply is gone. Not sure if that's where I'll stay, but it's all I'm messing with at all until I know where folks are going, although to be honest - lately I just feel saying to heck with it and just chucking the whole thing. Hopefully, it's just a passing mood.

  19. p.s. Good to see you Vic!! *tosses you a giant size Hershey bar*

  20. is anyone considering when it materializes beyond a test site?

  21. I'm a member, it looks interesting . . . for a possible future. I don't think it will be ready nearly in time.

  22. Hellooooooooooooooooooooo Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!.......

  23. Lol Yar, I will have to follow the food crumbs to find you ;)

  24. ah k....I have a feeling most will have moved elsewhere before it gets finished..

  25. the idea is to have your friends' email addies so we can all let each other know when it's done...

  26. It is a good idea to have those addies for back-up even if the the site doesn't get done.

  27. Vic. I am evidently behind on what's happening. Is Multiply dying? Sounds like I need to move to blogster. I am on notoverthehill but haven't looked at that site for some time.

  28. Hey, Vic. Good to see a post from you. I was wondering today if there was anywhere you could be contacted on a daily basis. I know you are busy, but several things have crossed my mind that I would have liked to discuss with you. Do you log in to Facebook every day?

    I have 24 friends on Blogster and they are all active bloggers/commenters. It seems to be a well-ran site and everyone is nice so far.

  29. I plan to keep an active account on both Blogster and Xanga. I hope more people join Xanga after Multiply shuts down.

  30. Yes Guy, Multiply will be closing it's door on the bloggers on the 1st of Dec. So if you have any stories/blogs you want to save, better get them downloaded quickly.

  31. Vero I try and glance in here and fb most days. I don't always make it to any of the other blog sites on a regular basis yet. Once Multiply is gone I will be more active on them...

  32. I'm on Xanga and Blogster. So far I'm leaning toward Blogster.

  33. i have been locked out of multiply for the last 3 days !!!!
    proxy error shit...

  34. i am only going to be on blogster.....blogger and fb...
    promise to be more regular after 10th of november,,life's been on a spin cycle lately...i have zero time....all i do is peep here n there....

  35. I opened sites on Blogger, Xanga and Blogster . . . but I think I am going to just stick with Blogster . . . It has the most developed sense of community and makes it easier to keep track of people and what they are posting of any of the sites . . . Plus it is friendly . . . So that is where I am going to be . . . I LIKE friendly . . . =o)

  36. Well, that is probably because I am FRIENDLY . . . =o)

  37. And I DO have this adorably naturally curly hair . . . ;o)

  38. AND an overabundance of personal charisma and magnetism! ;-)

  39. LOL . . .

    Yeah, ALL true . . . well, except for the naturally curly hair (though the snakes do wiggle a bit and that is KIND of like curls) . . . and the 'overabundance' is sort of subjective . . . but dang, I AM friendly . . . ;o)

  40. Yes you are and I just LOVE the way you wiggle! ;-)

  41. I am here, Vic. I have Xanga and Blogger and now Blogster (Oz helped me get there). And I think one more, but can't remember what it is right at the moment. I was a wild woman at the party last night...still giddy and so tired.....but even though I can't think clearly right now....wanted to at least let you know I am here. (p.s. I don't drink....I was just flying high on joy and love at the party)

  42. I am on Xanda .. but I will look at blogster too.

  43. pant....pant....pant....finally found some time to drop by...just let me know where you all are and I'll get there time for cruising looking at sights. Hopefully mother will move into her new unit in 2 weeks and I'll be back to 2 kids and a husband to cater to!!! Three months is a long time to look after someone who treats your house as a hotel, and work, but that's another story......Hope you are all well and enjoying the change of season....miss you

  44. Xanga would be my favorite site as far as its features. I hope to get a few of my friends interested in it. At the moment most of my time is being spent on Blogster. It is hard for me to learn two new sites simultaneously. I get things all jumbled.

  45. so sorry, my darling friend, only saw this post now, must have gotten buried in my inbox, but I think we have chatted about this before

    Like most everybody, I opened up on several sites, as friends, contacts and groups panicked, scattered, suggested, tried out. So far the only one I have mastered and managed to make into a home is Blogspot

    had to close the old one, had hassle due to Google + and my Multiply upload, of course once back in,you have to add a number, your old address is no longer available *sigh*

    Still battling with Xanga, lost my banner, cannot remember how I got it up in the first place. I do like the news emails I get from there, though, that is a nice touch and makes it easy to see when Rita, Lanie and Monica, has posted, but that seems to also have died down.

    Did open one on Blogster on Monica's request as "everyone" is "following" Heather and PP over there, apparently, but endless hassle getting in , have not managed to figure out, or had energy how to post anything there.

    Looked at Boomer, opened up an account and ran screaming in the other direction as got flooded with friend requests from unknown males, very strange that .

    Looked at Wordpress, but seems to be mostly people writing, not really sharing as such. Do have 2 contacts there now.

    So seems that Blogspot is going to be it.

  46. Me too Vero...xanga To busy lately to blog...I just get a min to read facebook and then have to buzz off.
    I have blogster and or blogger or idea as I have no clue how to work them/it.

  47. Good to see you Misty. We were wondering what you have been up to lately.We will all get connected and light somewhere sooner or later.

  48. found this one as well *chuckle* now just to persuade a couple of our other buddies, to come on over here.

    How did you manage to import your old blogs and with comments, so easy??????????
