Wednesday, October 3, 2012

For George...

George! What are the odds that you would talk about praying mantis and I should stumble across one while out moving the garden hose?!! I had to rush in to get the camera to take a few pics.

It was a bit creepy to watch the bug's head swivel to watch every move I made. I swear, if it had flown at me I would have tossed that camera and run screaming,lol.












  1. haha aww!!! don't be skeered. They only eat bugs, and mice, and snakes, and hummingbirds. Its good luck if you see a mantis hahaha

    Very good pictures, Vic! They are the fearless warriors of the insect world!

  2. Oh, ICK!!! I don't know why I opened this!!! LOL

    I hate their creepy little faces!!! Great photos, but I have to admit I didn't look very long. :)-

  3. Oh my gosh . . . a praying mantis can REALLY eat a SNAKE?!?!?? and a HUMMING BIRD?!?!??? for REALS?!?!???????

    And here I always thought that since they were so religious they would be 'kinder, gentler' bugs . . .

  4. Um . . . are those things REALLY two feet long like they look in these photos?

  5. DANG . . . I am so not gonna be able to sleep tonight now . . . =o|

  6. well done... Vic they make good pets! LOL are they always that color there? ours are bright green. Have you seen an egg case? they make them in my house on curtains etc....... I have watched them hatch .. that one is a male . Harriet my grand daughter just loves them!

  7. omg look at the second shot....straight out giving you the once over...!


  8. I feel like I just watched a snuff film . . . =o|

  9. Thanks Mr. Oz, I tried to be very brave, it was very huge and my life surely was in danger ;))

  10. Don't be skeered, sheesh, that is easy for you to say, it was humongous!!

  11. Lol Bee, I should have posted a warning about it being about bugs....The older I get the more squeamish I seem to become...

  12. I wanted to put a ruler or yardstick next to it, but that would have required me getting a lot closer and the darn thing kept swiveling it's head watching me!

  13. I think their coloring depends on if they are male or female, the male being more green and the female more brown? I don't know for sure. It was huge whatever it was,lol.

  14. I snapped quickly...I had visions of it flying right at me and getting caught in my hair.... I am such a chicken!

  15. lol they don't generally attack humans. Besides, they eat stink bugs!
