Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Fire In The Sky....

It's hot...really, really, really hot. So hot it makes one think there really could be a fire in the sky.

There doesn't seem to be an end to it either. The forecast continues to look bleak with the heat and humidity. It does make one think a lot of global warming and the causes for the extreme weather the world seems to be having lately.

It was just the other day that a neighbor was over helping to fix an old door when our conversation turned to movies. I casually mentioned that with this kind of weather, it was good for curling up with a book or a good movie to escape the heat. My neighbor mentioned he wished he could find an old movie called, "Fire in the Sky". I hadn't heard of it before and he went on to tell me how it was a true account of a man named Travis Walton who had been abducted by aliens. As he went on describing more of the story, I could only mumble," wow, really, I hadn't read the book or seen the movie". It was a true story, the guy didn't lie, his friends backed him up, took lie detector tests, etc. etc.

I tried to look politely engrossed with what my neighbor was saying. Aliens...he believes in them. He also believes in ghosts, spirits, and all of those supernatural things that can't be explained. I have to admit the alien angle threw me a bit. Spirits and ghosts and the supernatural were one thing, but aliens?

Today I googled on-line for the movie and found it and ordered it as a gift for my neighbor. I know he will be tickled to have it to add to his movie collection. It had me wondering though if I was being hasty in my dismissal of all things extraterrestrial. Maybe I was not in the majority as I thought, but a minority in my personal beliefs of the spacial creatures.

I have to admit, as much as I like my neighbor I couldn't help but think he was a little nuts in his beliefs. I am pessimistic, I am a skeptic, I have yet to see any glowing discs in the sky that resemble a hovering aircraft. I haven't been beamed aboard anything or probed. Or at least I don't think I have been. Maybe I have been, and my mind was erased by the aliens of the encounter?

I am full of questions. Questions of what those aliens intentions are. Questions of why are those people abducted are allowed to come back to earth? Questions of why are they always probed, but never autopsied?  Wouldn't that give the aliens better answers? Are all aliens so courteous as to only give a minor once over and then back home you go?

Though I scoff and joke on all things alien, I wonder how many people out there really do believe and yet are afraid to voice their views on them. Does the fear of ridicule keep them quiet? There might be a whole lot of believers out there, people I know who sorta believe that it's possible, that there really could be something out there, but won't mention those opinions out loud for all to hear.

I remember back to some of those sci-fi movies on aliens and wonder if maybe the whole world is full of aliens and I just don't know it. It would explain an awful lot about most of California and Washington D.C.

 I sorta feel like I could be like that lady in the end of the movie, "Invasion of the Body Snatchers". I would finally find my Donald Sutherland only to have him point me out as being human while he makes that alien-like squeal of his. I feel like I am the only sane one in a crazy world that makes no sense other than they all seem to be from a different planet.

One person's craziness is another person's sanity. One person's beliefs are another person's joke. One person's fear, is another person's indifference. Just like one person's fire in the sky is more than just the blazing hot sun.

Who knows, maybe it's not really the effects of the blazing hot sun we are feeling but the gama rays or lazer beams of another world and life form. We, at this very moment, are being tested and scored or monitored by other unknown beings. It has me worried, thinking all of this time I could be wrong in my thoughts. I start to wonder if I should stock up on Reese's pieces, Skittles, or whatever kind of candy it is that extraterrestrials consume. I should be more prepared for any possible abductions. I want to remain on the good side of all of those aliens.

I won't be wearing any tinfoil on my head, despite my wandering thoughts of aliens. I won't be searching the skies for floating discs or orbs of possible spaceships. I won't be worried about any fires in the sky, except for the sun and it's warming rays. I will, however, refrain from looking directly at the sun though,....and candy, I'll need to buy candy... just to be safe.


  1. Oh just put on more sun block, and stop going to tanning salons!

  2. you can tan faster her - cuzzzzz - yer closer to the sun, hahahahaha

  3. Aww who do you burn for, Viccles?

  4. *raises hand* I believe! - in aliens. We are the aliens.. Science proves it, or actually cant disprove it. The fact that the 'missing link' connecting Modern Man to the fossil record cannot be found obviously points to the fact that modern humans were seeded on this spinning blue ball.
    My take is that many of the unexplained mysteries of antiquity were due to alien technology. Such as the pyramids in Egypt. Easter Island Heads, the list goes on and on. One of the latest discoveries is of a jar filled with olive oil and a stick with some type of string wrapped many times around it, obviously some type of crude battery. And it is over 2 thousand years old! amazing to think that our entire way of life and society actually depends on a similar device. ( batteries are used to control the massive circuit breakers that protect high voltage lines, the world over. Shhhh dont tell anybody. dont want to start a panic) i think aliens came and got stranded or were left on purpose. And we are the decendants!

  5. Finishes her tea..puts down her cup, and throws a flying saucer at Vic..

  6. ...has to think about this one a while.

  7. Who was it who said "If you can't stand the heat then get out of the kitchen!" G. xxx

  8. Vic cook??? I believe in ghosts and aliens! To many unanswered questions to think differently.

  9. Good point Misty! Hadn't thought on that one! Probably doesn't know where the kitchen is! G. xxx

  10. Good point Misty! Hadn't thought on that one! Probably doesn't know where the kitchen is! G. xxx

  11. If there are aliens out there I'll wait till they visit me.....kettles on

  12. I'm betting Vic is an excellent cook. And I'm also betting if an alien showed up at her house she would serve him up a great feast. (And then she would shove a hoe in his hand and put him to weeding)f lol

  13. I must admit to finding it a lot easier to reconcile myself to the existence of Aliens than all the ridicules religious mumbo jumbo that is around created by man.

  14. If there are aliens out there, let's catch 'em and cook 'em. Should be hot enough in Vic's kitchen! G. xxx

  15. Haha, I was watching a program on the history network not to long ago and the show was in regards to how aliens from space were actually what we consider religious deities. When The angels spoke to Moses, it was actually a communication from an alien. The name for angels and the fact that they are represented with wings just means that they were beings that came from the skies. The builders of pyramid type structures throughout the world were actually built for and under the supervision of aliens and statues, drawings, and other such art works actually represented this knowledge, from space ships to faces of beings actually wearing space helmets.

    Me, myself. I think that in the future scientist cracked the means to time travel and go through time screwing with the past and people in general. Those that come across these time travelers actually confuse them with beings from space. Of course the quantum leapers do this on purpose just to prove to their fellow scientist in their own time zone that they indeed did travel through time. Just joking..... I honestly don't think that as far as the universe is concerned, we are all there is. I am sure we are organisms of a bigger picture just as are the organisms on a slide under a microscope. There is always a bigger picture. As we dissect every aspect of life, technology advancements break everything down to it's minute existence, who is to say that we ourselves aren't being dissected and examined also?

  16. ( I'm watching for anyone complaining about the heat. I will copy your post and save it for winter. Then I WILL paste it to your profile with WHO IS HOT NOW when you are buried upto your neck in snow.)

  17. get lots and lots of cadies Vic. I wrote down a specific list of which kind of candies - and here is a short one for the aliens.

  18. If aliens have gooey brownies send them to my house.

  19. Thanks everyone for your comments!

    (and Guy if you have brownies, you will be finding a pink haired "alien" on your doorstep,lol)

  20. Will ya be nice if I feed ya brownies?

  21. I am always nice! I promise not to vaporize you or do any of that other alien stuff ;)

  22. I would do both hamstrings if I took a 'quantum leap' or any leap for that matter, could more quick for brownies though......

  23. Hmmmm ................. I don't know if there are aliens or not but there ARE some mighty suspicious folks hanging around here ............... aliens or not lots of folks believe in all sorts of wacky stuff with little or no evidence, like the man said, "you can't fix stupid". ;-)
