Sunday, July 10, 2011

A Blog About Everything and Nothing...

I should write something...

I should write a blog on anything, just anything to get the others motivated, is what I thought today.

I should write that blog I promised Mr. Oz on whining. He wanted a blog on whining or some sort of dilemma, controversy, just something he could read and comment on that didn't involve little fluffy kittens and smiley faces... Well, I just added that last part, he might very well like the fluffy kittens and smiley faces angle..

I started that blog for you a couple of times Mr. Oz. I kept backspacing though, crossing out sentences, looking over my shoulder at times. I was going on, and on, on my whining and frustrations on the world, the US, on the media, on the weather, on relatives and everything that annoyed me that day.

I found out that a lot of things annoy me and that perhaps voicing those annoyances would just add fuel to the fire or cause someone's nose to get bent out of joint. And if I am completely truthful, that those in my "real" world might stumble across those rants and be annoyed with me over my annoyance of them.

So I deleted those blogs before publishing. I had a lot to say that I am not sure anyone really wanted to listen to/read. Some people don't like controversy or any rocking of the boat. Me, I can't swim, and I don't have a life preserver so I have to be extra cautious when it comes to that rocking the boat stuff.

I thought alot about people who view the world thinking they are owed something. I thought about people who expect things when they already have more than the giver. I thought about people who constantly take and never give. When they actually do give, the gift is reminded of subtly and not so subtly all the time, which never really makes it a gift after all but an obligation in disguise.

So I gave up all of those thoughts for more happy thoughts. I realized I didn't have as many happy thoughts as the whiny and ranting thoughts. Which has me worried that I really am becoming a cantankerous person.

I thought about a blog on stuff that should make me happy. Blogs on our gardens, our flowers, our veggies, but it only reminded me of all the weeds I have out there, the humidity that is flirting with the same percentage as those high temps, and the mosquitoes and gnats that are in record numbers this year.

My happy blog was veering back to that whiny ranting blog again.

Maybe Mr. Oz knew something I didn't know. Maybe he could sense somehow thru my inane comments my dissatisfied restlessness. Maybe Mr. Oz is psychic.

(I am thinking of something now Mr. Oz, can you guess what it is? I better go ahead and tell you because you will never guess, I am thinking of whether a lemon bar constitutes lunch and if I have another can I count it as dessert. One shouldn't really blog at lunch time, if only for the sandwich crumbs in the keyboard...)

I should blog about something though, whether whiny or happy or silly or just off the wall stuff. It helps me I think. It helps to get all those jumbled up thoughts out of my mind and make way for new ones. It helps me to let go of those frustrations, real or imagined, (but I really think they are all real..)

Blogging is good even when it's bad. So blog on fellow bloggers and whine and complain or post whatever makes you happy or unhappy. Some of us enjoy knowing when we aren't the only ones being bad. It makes us feel we are in good company.


Happy Sunday Multiply!


  1. *raising beer bottle at ye*
    here's whining at you Vic!

  2. Thank goodness you have forgotten about the science experiments.

  3. Vic,
    As usual I like and enjoyed your story. What's up with the "No Whining" sign? That's my long suit, it's what I do best and most often. Gonna put in a new blog now.

  4. Whines cause it's hot. Whines cause I wanna see another rain storm. Whines cause I ate too much steak and gravy. Whines just because.

  5. I always feel I'm in the best of company hanging out here or with anyone. Another super duper blog about absolutely nuttin. You sure have a way about you Viccles.

  6. I was grumbly today...sort of melancholy too....and I don't know if I was whiny, but if I was not whiny outloud I am pretty sure I was inside my spirit. Well this blog just made me smile. Good words Vic...and I think your blog says "a lot".

  7. Yes Vic a blog about nothing and very interesting it was too!. Your a great writer to be able to write like that. You make me feel guilty, so I'm thinking about a blog too! wonders how long before I manage to actually write one??

  8. Blog on..I whined a bit today too..yesterday I whined so much they wanted to lock me up in the whine a cask too. But whining is good for lets out the gases..or is it steam;))...

  9. Wines about 4pm every day.......

  10. Unless I have southern comfort then I have 1 or 2 of them......

  11. BRAVO!!! I absolutely LOVED this blog ........... even though I AM very late at getting here but "better late than never" they say so one can only hope! ;-)

    You just write about whatever suits you, I'll read it ............ eventually!
