Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Garden Notes: June 2nd..


In gardening, and life for that matter, one marvels at the difference a few days can make. The above pic is one I posted in my last photo album of two iris beds that were still just a sea of green leaves and stalks. Not much to look at for the moment, but within a week's time the sea of green had turned into a sea of color...


I have to say that it is the one thing I look forward to the most in my gardening every year. More so than that first tomato, or batch of fresh corn so many other gardeners look forward to. It's when the iris come into bloom that I wait for. A lot of people will argue that the bloom time is to short to bother with them as a perennial, but if you were to vary the different kinds of iris planted you could easily have blooms for 3-4 weeks or more. There are so many different cultivars and colors and sizes, that any garden can surely find room for at least one of these plants known as the poor man's orchid.

I will be uploading some more pics in an album of some of the last of the blooms. I will apologize in advance in that some of the pics are not the best. Using up some old film, one of the rolls when developed had a slightly purple or bluish cast over so many of the pics. I tried picking out the clearest and best. I am not sure if it is the film it's self or a mix up in the processing. So I wasn't able to get all of the photos of the different kinds blooming that I wanted to post here. Out of the pics posted you will see I have a love for purple and have so many varying shades of purple and lavendar iris. Also included in the pics are more peony pics of a second variety of yellow peony that bloomed last week.

Thanks to all of you who have been writing and posting pics about your gardens and flowers. Keep those blogs and updates coming!

Happy Gardening!


  1. I think it might be more expensive to develop pictures than it is to just print them. Anyways its just my 2 cents. If I keep dropping 2 cents everywhere it could be costly for me in the long run. I better just keep it to myself.

    Great garden btw. You have a green thumb for sure... the constant gardener.

  2. I'm so happy for you with all these colorful bloomers! Looking forward to seeing more pics of the various shades.I too love the iris and want one of every color.Unfortunately, the time I spent three years ago transplanting several hundred and babying them all summer and fall, was wasted. Between the huge, fast-growing contorted willow's shade and the rapid encroachment of the two rows of day lillies, I only had blooms on two colors this year. As soon as the daylillies have bloomed I will be in there up to my eyeballs in plants, removing every single iris and moving them to a sloping, sunny location.

  3. Looks peaceful. I might just sit here and smoke a doobie. Does Nebraska have police?

  4. It's nice to see your Iris gardens Vic. I have the white and purple ones that I transplanted here. My other place I had a few of the most God awful Brown, yellow and purple on the same bloom. They always reminded me of a bruise.

  5. haha mac, I don't like Begonia foliage for those same colours. It reminds me of dead leaves.

  6. I used to hate any plants that had yellow or lime green foliage because I thought they looked as if they were dying. I finally got over it though and some of my favorites are now that color.

  7. Oh what I wouldn't give for a garden like that. The Iris are beautiful Vic. My fav is the deep purple.

  8. Beautiful place you live in Vic.

  9. I'm with George. The purple is like a dead person's lips, drained of life and color. Have a nice day!

  10. lol I said nothing about purple! Brown Brown Brown!

  11. thats pretty before aand after -nice place fer me tent and hammock me thinks

  12. You do know people-eaters are purple? Vic?

  13. Yes Um, I scan the skies periodically because I hear that they fly....

  14. Remember the movie V? They weren't purple...

  15. The people were purple. 1 eyed one horned - tiny purple people- eater. Ray Stevens was on an acid trip when he sang that.

  16. lol I try not to feed those. What a bad trip Ray had lol
