Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Garden Notes: May 4th


I don't have a lot new to report on my gardening process. The weeds keep growing, small walnut seedlings keep sprouting up from squirrel plantings, and I keep finding myself acquiring more stuff to plant when I am hardly caught up with what I already need to do. I can feely admit all of that as I know you fellow gardeners suffer the same illness as me,lol.

My second tree peony has started to bloom, and more iris are sending up stalks. I will do my best to take pics when they bloom to post on here. One of the things I am hoping to be more aware of is planting by the moon signs this year. Kanga Roo posted a blog awhile back on planting by the moon and I have been checking the farmer's almanac for specific dates listed for planting. I don't know if there is any truth to the notion or not, but I will try to follow it closely and report my results at the end of the year.

I haven't got much new planted but I did attend a small local garden club's plant sale and picked up a few interesting things. A variegated yucca, ornamental grass, and a couple heirloom tomato plants. Having already started some tomato plants I didn't really need any more but still came home with two tomato plants. One variety called "kellogg's breakfast" which is an orange variety that I googled for in the picture above. The other variety was called "Nicky Crain" which I found listed as a pink ox-heart type.

Last year was such a bust for all my hot weather crops, that I decided to give the "Mortgage Lifter" tomatoes another chance. Also started from seed were "Giant Belgium" , "Red Brandywine" , and an old stand by variety "Better Boys". If they all live and produce I will have tomatoes coming out my ears. Keeping my fingers crossed that at least my two new acquired tomato plants are not lopped off by a rabbit or crushed under the weight of my neighbors dog that likes to dig.

While googling for info on the tomato plants, I came across an interesting website that had me itching to buy even more seed. I have refrained though and have bookmarked it for next year. I was particularly impressed with the different varieties of sweet potato plants they offered and who knows, maybe I will weaken and order some even though I will have to take an assortment of what they have left to offer. Also listed were some interesting pumpkins and a particular pie pumpkin described as having a sort of "netting" on the skin like a muskmelon sounded interesting. The website is www.sandhillpreservation.com . If you are interested in seedsavers or preserving genetics and heirloom seeds, it is an interesting read.

I haven't planted much in the way of flowers yet, but with Mother's day looming this week-end, I will most likely buy something for my mom at the local garden center as well as acquire a few things for myself. Will let you know how I fare on that shopping expedition at a later date.. Happy planting and an early Happy Mother's day to all of you fellow addicts!



  1. Yep, I went to the garden center over the weekend a bought a bunch of plants and seeds even though it's currently nearly impossible for me to plant them on my own though my grandson has been coming over most weekends to help out and though he DOES try he is pretty much worthless as a gardener a good deal of the time although he DID manage to run a tiller this year (he was sore for three days LOL).

    I greatly increased the yield of my tomatoes and peppers last year by using an old SoniCare vibrating toothbrush to vibrate the flowers every day to help in their pollination, I know it sounds weird but it really does work! ;-)

    Good to see you back!

  2. Tomatoes here last year had the blight and not many of us around here got many sure hoping this year they do better. My tiller is in the shop so waiting to get it back by the end of the week and will get my garden all planted, It is so dry here I am already dragging the water hose. Roses, iris and peonies all blooming here now and getting ready to put out the zahara starlight rose zinnia seeds and here is a link with a picture. http://www.parkseed.com/gardening/PD/51991

  3. And I thought it was you holding up a tomato bah.

  4. Aw man, Vonnie you would send me a link to a flower that is sold out and I can only lust over now,lol.. Let us know how it performs for you...

  5. That sure is a pretty zinnia. I like the mildew resistance idea. Maybe next year we can order it about December 26 th, Vic. lol

  6. OoooOoo, that is a pretty zinnia, I bet even I could grow that one, with the heat and humidity here, I bet it would just love it in my yards. I just have to figure a way to keep the herd of hoovers off my plantlings

  7. That is really pretty Vonnie.

  8. While you're lusting for flowers Vic I'm lusting for that tomato right about now.
    Although last year's effort to grow a vegie garden drowned in the flood we had, I'm about to try again - sigh. Maybe I need to grow my garden at your place or better still why not give me what you've grown in August? Hehe

  9. I only ask cuz my back itches.

  10. hahaha um that is hilarious, a viccle clone.

  11. I think the moon has plenty to do with planting. And I am gonna check out the website. Leroy planted maters and peppers in topsy turvy hanging gardens.

  12. Yeah...I was going to suggest planting your tomatoes upside down like Mac did and as oginalii mentioned. Looking forward to your picture postings.

  13. Um's back yay...welcome back

  14. Thank you, mrsralph. Finally, an approving glance.
