Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Garden Notes...


The other day I was chatting with Vero on all things garden related, and came up with the idea of having a weekly blog or update on things happening in everyone garden. So many of my blogging friends plant at least something, whether it be a tree, flower planters, or a huge veggie garden. Living in different parts of the world, it's interesting to know how similar and yet different our gardening approaches can be. What would be considered the norm for some, would be something new, unheard of, or even tropical for others.

So I would like to encourage all of you to add a little bit of a note or blog at the beginning of each week to tell us what you have planted, created, bought/ordered for the garden and post a pic or two of your efforts. Seeing other people's gardens and landscapes does act for a springboard of ideas for others and gets one to think of different aspects to add to their own bit of dirt. Post whether it's been a success or a failure for you, for we all know that as much as we try, mother nature has her imput as well!


Vic's Garden Notes: Is it my imaginations or are the bloom times off this year? At the moment I have fruit trees finishing up their blossoms, lilacs, tulips, alyssum, creeping phlox, one tree peony in bud, and iris sending up scapes. The iris particularly seem at least two weeks early for blooming. Anyone else having tall bearded iris blooming or close to blooming? Here in zone 5 it usually is mid-May when the tall bearded iris are at their peak.

I will try and take some more pics this year to post as I have a ton of iris. They are addicting though and I have already placed an order for some new varieties to plant this fall. For those interested in iris or googling, the varieties are:

Sea power, Pennylane, Boogie Woogie, Celebration Song, and Six Pack (which is a flattie, or flat-topped iris). All were ordered from Blue J iris which has reasonable rates for iris which can get pricey. Order early, they sell out quick...

Veggie news - Vero I finally planted my tomato plants but it's turned off cold and rainy, not sure if I am going to have much luck with them at all. Does anyone have any of their tomatoes in the garden yet?

Wish List: I have been looking at adding a new tree peony or two this coming fall (I know it's early, but us gardeners are obsessive,lol). Haven't decided yet on the variety, but have been trolling the peony websites to find who is the most reasonable.

A small reminder that this week-end is Arbor Day, go plant a tree!



  1. I,too ,have a bearded iris blooming early, but it is just one color...a deep purple one (I think the tag said black something) All the rest are far from bloom stage. Last year the purple one bloomed right along with the rest. Weird!

  2. I wont be putting my tomatoes in the garden for about two and a half more weeks. They will stay nice and cozy in the greenhouse. The plants are about two inches high right now and looking good.

  3. I planted my feet firmly on the ground but sometimes I still float away.

  4. I stamped some shrubs in and cut the grass - does that count?

  5. Rubs his chin, Iris ain't the only one needs a shave. As far as early blooming, there is a little thing going on called global warming, perhaps word has reached Nebraska by now? Though scientists regret calling it that. Climate change is what they wish they had gone with, so the idiots in warm weather climes who get an errant snowfall can't say "yeah yeah, there's your global warming".

    I don't really like flowers all that much. They seem arrogant, calling attention to themselves with their showy dress. Gimme a weed, a scruffy survivor, basking in the sun of an unknown crevice, unnoticed by most, loved by few. Yeah, gimme a weed.

  6. Vic I luv luv luv that iris site! As soon as I get the time,(and if they aren't sold out of everything) I am going to sit down and fill out a huge order.

  7. Just think... I will have Nebraska flowers blooming in my garden. Won't Ummy be jealous! lol

  8. Tulips are just about to finish. Tomato plants are about 3 inches high in greenhouse. Lilac is covered with buds ready to bloom. Peonies are about a foot high in the garden. Don't know about anyone else but as soon as the Peony flowers come out we have strong winds and rain and the flowers get drowned and then collapse.

  9. Wish I could have my garden again so this will be almost as good.

  10. everything here is running a 1/2 month or so early too....it is weird.

  11. well we must both have the same imagination viccles- it seems here in n ohio all the early bllomers bloomed a lil late and the late ones early -i've never seen the likes of it before and theyre lasting longer too - it is just so awesome

  12. I do not have a garden..just a few potted plants and old trees..sob..sniff..

  13. Potted plants and old trees are just fine Zzee! You have such exotic stuff over there, we all enjoying seeing what you have for plants and flowers...

  14. Vic most of the pictures are the ones I took of my daughter's beautiful garden. My lawn had to be paved few years ago as we had a water shortage..and it was looking all brown and dry. So I used blue and white garden ceramic tiles and livened it up a bit. I have a few pathetic pots around..and now I am not interested in gardening..I have 9 farms on facebook..lol..I work so hard there.

  15. Won't be doing any planting till we get back from our holiday, but I do have some idea about what I want to plant.

  16. Boy I know I would luv to see all the iris you have planted over the years. This is a great idea you have for a weekly blog.

  17. Don't have a garden at the moment, will be sure to let you know when it starts

  18. Heavy rain this afternoon which the garden needed. My Mum's water barrel has been empty for weeks as we have had so little rain. Going to pot on the tomato plants and a few dahlias this weekend once I have worked my way through the dirty washing that Robert will be bringing back with him this weekend.

  19. My daughter just brought me back a plant from W. Va. called a spiker. It is beautiful but i know nothing about it. Now I am involved in the garden club, I hope.

  20. Now who is joy and where was her daughter in WV? Not sure what her plant is but last year I bought some gorgeous burgandy "spikes". I use them for height in the center of my planting urns. I've always bought green ones but the burgandy are far more attractive.

  21. Oooh I did that too Vero, and planted some purple and pink wave petunias around the spikes last year... not sure what to put in my planters this year...

  22. This is the first year in a long time that I have not grown wave petunias from seed. I had TEN hanging baskets on my long front porch and I got soooooo tired of watering them so this year.... none! lol

  23. I don't have good luck with hanging baskets.....they either fall down on very windy days or I forget to water them.....gee ya miss just one day and ya got crispy twigs,lol

  24. Vero is right. They are called spikes. My daughter was in Charleston W. Va. this past week end to visit her new step grand baby and purchased the plant there. I have been told that the plant thrives on sun and water. This one is a rich shade of burgandy and I want it to last a long time.

  25. I lived in Charleston for ten years. There is a fantastic greenhouse in Nitro, just West of Charleston,(I think it is still there). I used to browse through it for hours.

  26. Oh this is great I can ask for advice and help. I just had planted some flowers but then we got a snow-storm (surprise!) and all my flowers froze. My trees, well at least around 20 trees broke from the wind. I wanted to plant a little veggie garden, at least I hoped to try again since last year’s veggie garden drowned from all that flooding, but I have a feeling this year I’ll be cleaning debris after MrWabbit gets finished with cutting up all the fallen trees to make fire wood. The good news is that 5 tulips survived the snow blast and should come into bloom any day now.

  27. only thing woriking in our garden is Sally

  28. Lol Robert, why do I have a feeling you aren't joking about that either? Poor Sally....
