Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Shoes...and Stuff....

I'm too sexy for my blog....

A bit of wishful thinking on my part, I will admit.

But today does have my mind swirling and turning with so many thoughts on different things, that it is hard to just pick and choose one idea and run with it. So this will be a bit of a hodge-podgey blog that I hope in the end makes some sort of sense.... But if it doesn't, I know you will just chalk it up to that just "being Vic"...A bit too old to be considered funky, a bit too young to be considered eccentric, which leaves me somewhere in the middle of just being weird, (sigh).

This past week-end we saw several birthdays in blog-land, one of which was for my good blog friend Sleepy Lady, aka Des. Several fellow bloggers tried to come up with an avatar of something about Des, or something that represented Des, or just something she could relate to for her birthday. So not knowing anything of F1 racing which she is fond of, I chose a pair of sassy red shoes with a british flag background. I think maybe I should have blogged about it to perhaps warn all of you, as I think the shoes scared you, perplexed you, or had all of you thinking I was entering into another personality disorder you weren't aware that I had.

Let's face it, (or more importantly, for me to face it)...sassy red stilettos aren't me. As much as I would like to think I could pull off such a pair of shoes, I just can't. On here or in "real" life either way I would be leaning precariously near a wall or some support hoping to catch myself for when I stumbled, pitched forward, or got that nose bleed from the high altitude....(thanks Misty for the hanky)...The shoes did have several of you scratching your heads though, which got me to thinking about how shoes are more than just an accessory and how they say a lot about you. I am not a big collector of shoes. I like shoes, even love some pairs of shoes, but over half of my shoe wardrobe consists of sneakers and practical shoes. There aren't too many high heeled pairs of shoes that I own or have ever owned. I could go out and buy new shoes, but in my heart of hearts I know they would languish in the bottom of my closet. As much as I would like to think I could be sexy in some new shoes, the shoes would be wearing me instead of me wearing them...if ya know what I mean.

Shoes...who would think they say so much, on here and in our everyday lives. It does make me want to clean out the closet and reassess my shoe collection, along with a few other things...

Totally unrelated to shoes and off topic.....Robins... they are back today in flocks, it finally feels like spring is  truly on it's way...

More off topic stuff... I finally decided and this year I am planning on growing Red Brandywine, Mortgage Lifter, and Giant Belgium heirloom tomatoes. I am growing them from seed so crossing my finger the cat doesn't sit in the seed trays again this year...

Speaking of the cat, she has gotten a bit on the pudgy side. When she sits in the recliner rocker and washes her tummy, she sets the rocker in motion. I giggle and mumble under my breath, boy you have gotten a big backside this winter kitty. But then I get a worried look that pets are suppose to take after their owners and that maybe I need to get a full length mirror...

....or maybe not...

Happy hump day... and if you are bored and think you have nothing to blog about, go check out your closet....

 And if you find nothing that interests you in there today, feel free to pass around and wear those sassy red shoes today. I am claiming it as "too sexy for my blog day", today...


  1. I've been asked to blog my 51 pairs of shoes....

  2. Do it Zzee! and show us your favorites,lol..

  3. I'll have to get them all out of their bags..line them up..take pics..wear a couple n pose my feet..Vic..what a slave driver you are.

  4. Go on, you know you might find a pair you forgot that you had in there and get all excited about wearing them again....

  5. I used to have a thing about shoes, and I was into sexy red stilettos (or black), but, the older I get the less important it all becomes...kinda makes me sad now that you bring it up...
    Sigh...guess I'll just hold that flashlight for Zeebz...

  6. Yes what Suzi just parents used to say I could open a shoe shop..I used to wear 4 to 5 inches of heels from AM to PM when I was working..and now..I hunt for ''sensible'' footwear. I still have a few dainty India they make very delicate handmade slippers with beads, pearls, shells, glitter and all colours to match each Sari..and some are not one keeps collecting.

  7. lol Vic, I hate shoes and as far as that goes I hate clothes but have to wear some or shock the world to death. When I was young I wore heels to church all the time, how I managed to walk like a lady, I don't know cause I was more of a tomboy and would rather be out running barefoot catching horny toads. lol I admire anyone that can wear heels and seem to always be watching to see if they fall on their face.

  8. Are you wearing RED suspenders with those stockings?

  9. I too love shoes but i have never been a fan of heels my mom wore them (she was a model) and she was prim and proper! I knew how uncomfortable they were because when i played dress up well you know~As for your red shoes avatar, you got me I thought you were stretching your wings


  10. Never owned stilettos, but I had to get rid of anything over 1/2 inch after my last knee surgery, I think I only own about 7 pair anyhow, including my fleece slippers!!!!!!

  11. I had to wear heels/pumps when I worked years ago in an office. Heck by time I'd get home at night it practically killed me to have to walk 3 long blocks cuz feet was to tired to get to my house. Now my shoes are just sneakers and slip ons. Don't miss the heels.

  12. hey everybody,i just had to comment on this one too,Vic,you did a very good job on your shoe blog,and im seeing robins around my house now too,i look forward to them every yr,when i was young i use to wear them and nylons to boot,can you believe i was such a nut to put myself thru all that misery ,Oletimes i like the avatar you put up omg really cute,now i only wear flats,fathertime makes sure of that cause i would not want to be the one to fall on face SMILE,anyway love yall and Vic i hope your tomatoes do real good,i planted the last of my potato crop today,so im sore but happy ttyl deb ps i hope the people that can wear em enjoy em lol

  13. Well...I absolutely LOVE THOSE RED HEELED STILLETTO'S VIC! I'll take em....and I love those Cuban hosiery you got going on there with em!
    Seeing I have a boot fetish, I always did like nice stilletto's too. Not that I have tons of opportunity to wear them all over, mind you....But I do have them......
    Ahem, I have not seen a robin yet, as of this date, BUTTTTTT , did see the kewlest thing today whilst driving. A Red tailed hawk, flying over the Eway with a huge twig/branch in it's mouth, knowing , it's building a nest...which means.........S-P-R-I-N-G!!!! Yah, now yer talking !!!

  14. Hi Tammy:
    Well, I've never owned a pair of stiletto heels but remember getting rather airsick(or was it the booze?)wearing a pair of Cuban heels back in the early 70s(with my bell-bottoms, of course).
    We have robins all year round but they're getting right frisky now.
    I've been getting the garden ready but it's far too early for planting. I think I'll start some seeds soon, though. Have you ever heard of Volcanite? I'm going to try some in half my tomato and bean plants, it's supposed to have rather neat anti-insect properties and promote growth.
    I'm finally old enough to be eccentric rather than weird. Whoohoo!!!
    Take care and be safe.

  15. Being only 5'1" if I put on a pair of those spikes I would tip over. Did you ever try to do the butt wiggle like you get when you wear heels....its great fun and I look like a "duck" when I try it. I am a barefooter
    most of the time. Love the feel of the dirt between my toes.

    No Robins here yet and I keep scanning the trees everyday for that first sign of spring. I would pay $5.00 for a home grown tomato this time of year. I hate those hydro grown things as they have no taste, or texture. I guess its time to start plying my neighbor with chocolates so he won't scold me when I raid his tomato's.

  16. P.S. I remember wearing those stockings with the seam up the back, and the old garter belt. That is all there was in my youth. I thought when they invented panty hose with no seams that we had made it to leg heaven.

  17. I love shoes but somehow am limited to flat heels (maybe my age) Kelly Pickler had a neat song about My Red High Heels. I am more into slippers that are soft and warm. No robins or spring here yet, just some surface mud that the dogs love. Some real tomatoes would be nice.

  18. I've been singing this dumb song ever since you posted this blog...

    I'm too sexy for my car too sexy for my car
    Too sexy by far
    And I'm too sexy for my hat
    Too sexy for my hat what do you think about that

  19. I don't think that with my hairy legs and size 12 feet, I'd do very well in heels. When they come out with work boots in pumps I'll know it's time to retire.

  20. Thank you for that visual, Mac...

  21. Goshh...I'm too sexy for this blog..
    too sexy for this blog..
    thanx i even got that bald guy singing it in my head..

  22. Use to wear heels a lot, but now I'm more into comfy shoes. Must be a sign of old age. Still have a couple of stilettos that I wear for very special occassions, and when I can sit down in them. lol The most uncomfortable ones I have sit under my desk at work, my steel top cap boots. Boy they are worse than stilettos. lol

  23. Sits and ponders what it would be like to see Vic sitting in her recliner rocker licking her tummy and wearing high heels.

  24. I like wearing no shoes. Even in winter (in the house...although I have been known to step outside on the little backdoor wood flat if it is clear of snow to throw bread to the birds in my barefeet.) I LOVED this blog...I think you could write a column for a newspaper.

  25. Oh blush - call me a geek - a nerd - an eccentric - knowing you for the time that I have and seen your various avatars I actually concentrated on the flag and thought it was the flag you wanted to point out but couldn't find one without the shoes, so I dismissed the shoes.
    I do have red heels but oh lord not stilletos yikes I'd fall over and also suffer from HAPE (high altitude pulmonary edema). But once I'm at work they come off and I'm in comfy -erm - I think they used to be slippers lol.

  26. I use to love (and still do on others) high heels but I have reach the stage in life where I need to concentrate on safety instead of sexy LOLLOL I opt to wear the sneakers and earth shoes myself Vic:):):)

  27. LOL love the red shoes, freakin sexy!!!
