Monday, November 17, 2008

The Waiting Room

Patience is a virtue, or at least I think it use to be. I have always thought that I was a patient person, never complaining, quietly biding my time til whatever or whoever it was that I was waiting for emerged. I am noticing though that more often I seem to be losing my patience. It's a trait I noticed in people I know growing older as well, that their patience wears thin at the best of times too. It makes me wonder if it is just something we go thru as we age or is it more of an individual thing? Is it really patience we are losing or is it just that we seem to be waiting more and more?

We wait in lines, we wait at signs, we wait for people, we wait on situations, we seem to be in a perpetual state of waiting. But what are we really waiting for? Are we waiting on life, are we waiting on death, are we waiting on God or are we waiting for something bigger and better to come along? We wait for our ship to come in, we wait for our luck to change, we wait for word of news, we wait on time and only seem to be losing even more time while we are waiting.

Now is when a lot of you will be reading this blog and thinking who has time to wait? My life is so busy I don't have time to be standing by idly waiting....but waiting you do without even consciously knowing it. You wait for appointments, you wait for the end of the work day, you wait on laundry to finish, you wait on your dinner to finish cooking, you wait on loved ones, and you wait ...and you wait ....and you wait in your life. Oh sure we fill that time of waiting with other things and trying to be productive, but you catch yourself saying to yourself, "this is just what I was waiting for" or 'you don't know how long I have been waiting to hear that", or some other thing that you weren't even realize you were waiting for until it arrives. I think we spend so much of our life waiting we don't even realize we are doing it.

I am starting to think we each have our own individual waiting room in this life. I think maybe the world is not really round at all but flat like they first envisioned. They just assumed that the earth was round because they got tired of waiting to get to the other side and ended up just going in circles. I think the earth is square, or rectangular...just a big building made up of waiting rooms for each of us. Some waiting rooms are opulent with a terrific view of the outer world, and some waiting rooms are just four plain walls with a rickety chair and out of date magazines.

So we wait. Time seems to stand still when we wait for something important to us, and then we look back and think wow has time flown since then. Not only has it flown but it has taken my patience with it.

I have a friend that once said, that when we are kids, time seems to drag because we wait with anticipation for things, as we get older time flies because we don't have that same anticipation that we did as a child. Time may seem like it is dragging by but the years seem to go faster. Maybe my friend has a point there. I have noticed how a lot of people I know seem to lose their patience in waiting as well. Maybe we are just sick and tired of waiting because we have already done so much of it. Maybe we think of it as time wasted with waiting and the sand in the hourglass seems to be trickling faster.

Time drags...and time flies, and still we wait. I have begun to think of life as not being so much about the journey as they tell us, but more about the waiting, and what we do or not do while we wait. A lot of you will read this blog and say, "Vic find a new hobby or something, stay busy". I am busy, it's not about spare time needing to be filled. It's about waiting and how at times we don't even realize we are doing it. But we do...a lot of it when you think about it. If you don't believe me, just you wait and see.



  1. I've been waiting all day for this blog...

  2. I've been waiting all my life for something..I havent been able to identify it yet. But I am patient. Patience is a virtue, and virtue is grace, and grace was a girl, who never washed her face.

  3. Well it's about time you wrote about this !!!!!!!

  4. Great blog Vic! With the way the economy is, down sizing-and all-am sure that most peoples patience is going to be "TESTED" further! While standing and "waiting" in lines, I have noticed alot of IMPATIENT people, and readily take it out on the clerk-who has NO CONTROL of the scheduling of employees-but take the "BRUNT" of the complaints. (If anyones ever worked w/the public-yah know what I mean!...I find in general that "we Americans" are a very impatient lot! With being so use to "drive thru, video games, wanting everything done with a snap of a finger. I REALLY observed this being outta the country! Where people are SOOOOO LAYED back and patient and kind in their "waitings"....Well Christmas is coming everyone, and so....the lines slowly move forward, I dare you to observe people in line, and be KIND to the poor clerk who has NO CONTROL that there aren't enuff employees working......and smile at him/her with a very patient and kind "Merry Christmas"!

  5. I'm going to a restaurant today just to pay for some one to wait on me for a change. Of course I will also be paying for the wait for the waiter to come wait on me and then to wait again for the waiter to bring what I'm waiting for. I'm all confused but will wait for my mind to catch up and dessert arrives and then I'll enjoy my coffee while waiting for the check.

  6. Wait for me, Mac, I'll go with you!

  7. I think Margaret Thatcher and I think alike in the waiting game lollol "I am extraordinarily patient, provided I get my own way in the end." Great blog Vic:):)

  8. Wonderful blog. Good timing. I have been as of late struggling with something that has everyon saying,"wait and be patient" Arg Sometimes those seem to sound like dirty words lol

  9. ...or the other old saying, 'hurry up and wait'...

  10. When I first worked with Joe Blow Public I found them to be quite patient. As the years rolled on (10) I couldn't wait to get out of retail. I found people to be ignorant, demanding (like I want it last year), rude, sarcastic and miserable to deal with. When I got into situations I felt I was losing control I passed my customer onto another sales clerk which we had been told to do rather than have a brawl on the sales floor.
    I've never had patience for waiting as in appointments especially scheduled for a certain time. My time is just as important and when raising six kids you don't have time to sit a twiddle your thumbs.
    My Quack used and still does over booking which causes every patient to wait long past their scheduled time.
    If a friend or family member says they are going to be ready or at my place at such and such a time then be there. Don't keep me waiting as I am one to be fifteen minutes early always. For work I was always a half hour on premises before I started my day. My daughter is never on time for anything and that drives me strange. I have more patience now that I am older but to a in what I say when I say or else....Great blog and certainly one that brings plenty to think on.

  11. OMG that was deep. Getting older I even get impatient with my own impatience's.

    When I was younger I used to reflect on how the sweet people I knew became sour, and the sour people I knew became sweet. I always said it would never happen to me....ya right.

  12. I can tolerate a wait but it seems I always get the problem people in front of me. Like the lady with some grungy kids grabbing candy while she was chatting with a friend and after the clerk had her all rang up she said " Oh, I have coupons". Then she searched through a ton of junk to find the coupons causing the poor clerk to hunt through stuff to make sure it was purchased.
    I also tell my oldest daughter to be here an hour earlier than I want her and sometimes she makes it on time. Good Blog Vic

  13. Ever thought about how long we have to wait before you put up a new blog??????

  14. soooooooooo very true vicc we, wait, and wait and wait...just to wait some more

  15. wow morgan was right you do but some good blogs out here waiting for people to read :0). Had to check you out for myself, enjoyed the blog and keep up the good work ill just sit here and wait!

  16. I hate waiting on anything. When I want to go do something out of the house and Bill is going with me...he waits until I get ready to head out the door then he decides he has to go to the bathroom. lol

  17. while i wait for my husband to get orders for the next station, and for dec when he comes home, my older daughter works, goes on her first date and drives. my middle child brings her grades up, turns her attitude around to fantastic and grows up in front of my eyes. my precious baby turns into a stinkin' eight year old with that eight year old thing that only eight year olds possess and now i wait for her to outgrow it all the while reminding myself she'll be grown too soon and where the heck are those orders so i can get my stuff shipped to me. yeah. wait

  18. This is such a good blog ! I will sit here in my chair and wait for the next one.
