Monday, September 1, 2008


I've been thinking on what to blog about today for Labor Day. Most Americans will be off enjoying the day, at flea markets, football games, picnics, the beach, or some other means in which to celebrate the day dedicated to work... At least I assume that is what the day is about, I had planned on googling on the history of Labor Day and just what exactly it means and stands for, but that seemed like too much effort. So instead I have opted to take the lazy approach and just blog on my day of bone idleness. So far I am maintaining my stride of not breaking a sweat... thank goodness for air conditioning.

I have thought alot about labor and what it truly means. I thought about blogging on my grandfather, a farmer, he never seemed to ever really have a day off from work. I remember him so brown from the sun, anyone who didn't know him would wonder on his ethnicity. He had always been a farmer since I could ever remembered, and I loved to listen to the stories grandma would tell of when they were first married and trying to make a living. Grandpa would toil all day and then come home and have to cut wood at night by the headlights of an old truck. When times were particularly lean during the depression he hopped a freight train for the west coast to work out in the fields. His was a lifetime of labor, hard back breaking labor that spoke a lot about the man he was. I will admit, I have never had to know that kind of labor, that kind of body weary work. Maybe some days, but not every day that it took to make a living and survive for him and his family. makes me tired just thinking about it. Today I thought I would do as little of it as possible. There was some things I had to do like laundry and dishes, but as far as anything too tasking I decided to spoil myself. No mowing, string trimming, weeding, or tilling. For the past month I have been digging, thinning and resetting an old iris bed. The plants were taking over, spreading into other clumps and crowding out less vigorous varieties. It's hard work and I am glad it isn't something I have to do every day. Still I found myself invigorated upon seeing the newly set out rows of iris and without too much convincing I stuck in an order for a couple of more iris rhizomes. It's getting towards the end of the planting season for them and I am a bit worried that I will receive notice that my order can't be shipped and I will have to reorder next year. Part of me will be disappointed if that happens, and part of me will be relieved that I won't have to do any more work. It's something I have to keep reminding myself when I see new plants, bulbs, rhizomes, trees, and shrubs that come on sale in the fall for planting. It's a lot of work that I place on myself, not because it is necessary but because I like seeing the results. I think of the investment of time in my labors and know that some would think me crazy, but it wouldn't be the first time and I know it won't be the last either.


I am opting for ease today, total ease, in whatever I do. Even with blogging I have taken the easy approach. No thought provoking blog of substance, and just a hop and a skip and jump across a few contact's blog that are showing any movement. I was tempted though, tempted to make graphics, tease some, nudge others, and cause mischief. But it sounded like too much thinking, too much work. Even when the thought of cookies crossed my mind, I balked at the thought of it being too much effort. There is a reason that rice krispy bars were invented. They were invented for people like me. I thought about it, but didn't end up making's because of that work thing or lack of work thing that I am sticking too. I did however come across my recipe for butterscotch no bake cookies and wondered if I ever posted the recipe for Vero. So Vero (and whoever else wants it) here is the recipe. I will go to the work of typing it for ya, making them will be up to you (grin)..

Butterscotch No Bake Cookies

2 cups sugar

3/4 cup butter or margarine

2/3 cup evaporated milk

*Bring to a boil and boil 3 minutes, then add:

1 small package INSTANT butterscotch pudding mix

3 and 1/2 cups quick cooking oatmeal

1 cup coconut

1/2 cup chopped walnuts or pecans (optional)

Mix and drop on wax paper and cool.

*Every recipe I come across for no bake cookies has different times for how long to boil the cookie mixture. Some say just bring to a boil, some say boil a minute, some say to boil 5 minutes. It is up to you and your favorite recipe and how soft or hard of a cookie you want. I would use the same amount of time you usually use for the chocolate version of this recipe. Good luck!

For all my intentions today, I think my blog entry of "fluff" can be excused...anything else would have been too much work...



  1. Rubs some soil on Vic's face to make it look like she was thinning them irises after she said she wasn't going to work outside today. Grabs a handful of chewy butterscotch cookies before Vero grabs them and runs off to finish being lazy. Mmmmmm, I love them chewy. Hey, I think I have this recipe from you already.Maybe I grabbed it from Vero after you gave it to her or she posted one very similar or ...... I'm all confused cause I'm lazy today.

  2. Shoot I'm just to lazy to make them cookies today.

  3. can i borrow a cookie --rofl gramps musta found some liesure time or u wouldn't be here

  4. I've brought the coffee so can I have some cookies now?
    I did, I did work hard to make that coffee - had to plug it in you know.

  5. You sound like me Vic...I did nothing but cook dinner after laying around all day. But my excuse is I had to make a long drive Saturday. lol Cookies sounds real good but I think I'll wait until some ambitions rolls around my way. Hope it's not too soon. lol

  6. well i laid down ar 2:30ish and just woke up - geeesh - what a wasted pretty day - but come to think of it - campfire pork steaks weren't done till after midnight - late dinner -last night -was watching - people i met there couple years back -[dog show judges]do kareoke- contest-and was up at daybreak to fold up camp - Have no idea how long i watched the campfire? yawn -did i say woke up? i meant - started movin- yawn?

  7. I was too lazy to read this...


  8. Have been lazy since last Thur. Will sure try those cookies sometime unless you just want to send me some.

  9. While ya pack up a box of those cookies for Joy can ya send me a box too?? I Labored too much today and need to get to bed:):):)

  10. I am not lazy to eat...pass the cookies.

  11. '
    I've been working hard all day so I can have a cookie. I deserve it....Well that's my excuse.

  12. ok.. i didn't have a lazy day! I had to work....(Tim Hortons).....may i please have a cookie tooo! coffee though!..:)

  13. Drags feet around lazily, munching cookies in slow motion...

  14. Cookies sound good to me too. I spent Labor Day cooking out and doing not much of anything, Kids had the day off from school so there was plenty to do....I shoulda looked yesterday for this cookie recipe,,, bet the kids would of love'd em.

  15. Post a picture of you in your overalls. I know ya have a few pair. lol

  16. Yummmmmmm this is just what i need. A new cookie recipe. AND SOOOOO EASY! Thanks a million, Vic. I will let you know how they turn out.

  17. I was not laboring on labor day, or the day after or any of this week. So it looks like my new week will be full. First I am going to make some of those cookies, and then take a nap while I wait for them to cool....yup a busy week.

  18. if'n ur too tired to taste test them thar' cookie,cookys,kookies- strong? i be glad to lend a hand or say a tastebud

  19. I think this blog was a 'labor of good intent to share'. *smile*
    And it turned out to be a nice blog.
    And thanks for the cookie recipe.

  20. yum hey lllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadddddddddddddyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy hope your day is fantabulous

  21. I like the idea of being bone idle. Have you been watching Keeping Up Appearances? Daisy's husband, whose name escapes me is bone idle!
