Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Color Correction...


Some days you can be just too pink...

I don’t know what I did exactly last week, I don’t know if it was a bug bite, spider bite, cat scratch, or something else. But I ended up with a blistery red spot on the inside of my leg, right where the knee bends. I couldn’t get a band-aid to stick so out I drug some gauze and adhesive tape and I taped that sucker on so well I knew it wouldn’t come off even if I went swimming. I guess that was the wrong thing to do... By evening the inside of my leg was so red and sore, I thought it was the tape and that it was chaffing or was put on too tight and pulling at the tender inside of my thigh. So I took the tape off and thought that would help. By morning I was sicker than a dog, nauseated, headache, fever. Still clueless, I thought I had caught the flu, I had been around family that had been battling the flu. So I laid in bed and shook for a couple of hours with chills and kept checking my temp. I ached all over, and my leg did too. When my temp hit 103.6, and I saw the redness was creeping down my leg, I knew I had an infection. I took some Tylenol and got into see the doctor just after lunch.

Waiting in his office I just sweated buckets, and all I wanted was water...just give me a glass of water was all I could think. The nurse took my temp and blood pressure and when the doc came in he asked what was the problem. I told him I thought I had an infection and needed an antibiotic. He looked at the bottom half of my leg and said yep, infection, and sent me on my way with a prescription. So I went home with my bottle of pills and lived on water and toast till about the third day. My temp had gone down, I wasn’t as nauseated, and my leg did seem not quite so swollen, but it had changed. My pinky leg had gone a mottled purple. I made another appointment and got in to see the doc for a second time.You just know when the doc doesn’t say anything but sucks in air thru his teeth that isn’t a good sign. So I went straight to the hospital and got poked and prodded and bombarded with a million questions when all I wanted to do was sleep and drink water. It’s funny how after everyone left I couldn’t sleep then. The nurses kept peeking in to check up on me, vitals every four hours, and some crazy lady across the hall who kept yelling hello. If only I could have gotten her to yell "Marco"...I could have yelled "Polo" back and it might have relieved some of the monotony.

The second day the doc came back in with a horde of people, interns I am guessing or some teaching class, but they had all come to garner a look at the lady with the purple leg. I tried to pretend to be half asleep, it’s hard to muster a lot of dignity when your leg is getting felt up by strangers with all of the "ooh’s and ahh’s". Two more docs came in later and sat and looked at my leg and threw back ideas for more antibiotics, as they thumbed thru their little electronic gadgets looking up info. Finally they came up with something that made them both agree and as they left, they said they would be back, one later and one at 4 o’clock. I told them both to come back at the same time and we would have a party. I am not sure if I was still a bit loopy then, or if it was just me, but I will blame it on the drugs.

I finally got to sleep a few hours by the third day and it’s funny how things go thru your mind. I couldn’t help but think if only I had a webcam and laptop, I could do a live webcam of my leg and you all could watch it turn different shades, but I guess that would be about as interesting as the cornfield they have on webcam for the farmers to watch the corn grow. Still I though of all of you, any time I surfed the TV channels and came across the shopping network, I couldn’t help but think of Sleepy lady, which got me to thinking about MkChippy, and then onto the rest of you and what was going on in your lives and blogs. I thought of Morgan and her band of merry pirates and how I really was going to end up being "pegleg vic". By the fourth day I was climbing the walls and ready to go, sick or well, just wanted out of there. My arms were starting to match my leg from all of the needle pokes, blood draws, and IV’s. It seemed a line would never last more than a day and then it would infiltrate or leak and then it was back to the other arm to poke around some more.

Finally on my last day, with yet again another different doctor, he thought maybe I was well enough to go home as long as I was loaded down with antibiotics. They found a drug store open on the week-end and had them deliver the medicine out to the hospital. The woman would not let go of that bag of pills though till she was paid. Thank goodness I had my check book with me, or I think she would have gone back to the pharmacy with the darn pills. It just floored me, but I guess that is how our health care system is going. Money up front or it’s no deal.

I am doing a bit better, the leg is more mauvey-pink now, except for my ankle which still looks a bit angry. I think a part of that though is I feel like I have torn my Achilles tendon while walking on the leg when it was so swollen. At least that is what it feels like, so it may take longer for the leg/ankle to heal up than expected. Sitting seems to aggravate it more, so I haven’t been sitting up much with it. I go in later this week, and hopefully I get a good report. I already know it is going to be another round of antibiotics but pretty soon I should be back on here and in the pink...but not so pink that I am purple...


  1. Oh my gosh woman, I am so sorry to hear that. I hope they can figure it out soon, Owie, Big Owie. Do you have someone who can help you while you are at home? I am so worried about you. If you need anything please ask.

  2. Hi Vic, That will teach you to go rummaging through the shrubbery chasing a cat! lol. Did the Dr's ever say what stuck you bug or plant? It's so good to have you home again {{{hugs}}} We missed you.

  3. I sure am glad you are home...that's some scary stuff...

  4. Geepers Vic, at least i know wut power tools cause wut injuries,.......exactly wut caused the infection, did you ever get told?

  5. Welcome back...have missed you...hope those interns didn't upset the pink hairdo! I am so glad to know you are better and the leg is recovering back to its normal shade. What was the diagnosis...was it a bite? (LOL@ Marco and Polo)

  6. Just glad that you are back home and on the wall to full health

  7. Gosh Viccles that is aweful....glad you are home and on the mend.....I have discovered that hospitals allow no rest and it is necessary to keep your sense of humor while in there!! MARCO......

  8. WOW Vickles...what an ordeal you've been through!!....sure hope you find the cause...sounds dreadful. Glad to hear you are better though...eat two chocolates and call me in the morning....

  9. Next time you go out to play in the garden wear long pants..spray yerself with bug repellent and take the super soaker full of soapy water just in case anything moves amongst the leaves/weeds. I bet stinkpot was just thrilled to see you home. Wonders if stinky displayed an attitude cuz of being left. What a relief you are back cuz now I have my reading material. xoxo


  11. sounds like a spider bite... misty's comments sounds good..... long pants out while u do yard work. anyways... glad your on the mend.

  12. While Misty's suggestion is a good one...try this instead...hire a garden boy and you just lounge by the pool....

  13. you are in my prayers pet Hope you get better real soon

  14. Wow Vic! It sure sounds like you got bit by some kinda spider! And oh, the back of the knee, that is so tender! Sure praying the antibiotics take care of it all, and yer leg is good as new!
    I had a bout with a spider bite (at least that's wut I thought it was), but it didn't turn out as nasty as what you got there! I'm so happy to hear from yah, and glad yah blogged. You been on my mind everyday, and I'm just praying and rooting for yah, that yer IN THE PINK and not the purple! Just get yer R & R and do wut they say! Hugs!!

  15. Glad your back here. Sorry about the bite whatever it was. Does sound a bit like a brown recluse bite. They can get really nasty. I do like the idea of a garden boy and a lounge chair for you. Take life easy for a few days and let the hospital be just a memory.

  16. That really sounds nasty. Pleased to hear you are on the road to recovery. Take things easy, we aren't going anywhere. Take care. Hugs.

  17. oih gads me too had a bout like that last fall- think combo of a bite and poison ivy or somethin-bad enough i went to docyor forst time since i was 40 years old for a physical lol- modern meds wow i was cured in a week after nursing my self with home made remebies for a 2 week period-they wanted me to come back too for a physical- and check up-yep i backed out and cancelled - -ain't got time for them to tell me all i might have wrong with - times a wastin have to pildge and plumbage

  18. I'll second that..get a garden boy ..and a Pool boy ( winks) lol Geez Vic..Glad to see you kept your sense of humor through it all. Wishing you a speedy recovery!!!

  19. Poor Vic! You've had it rough. Darned spider. I hate spiders. I hope you heal up good as new. Great blog, even though it was about feeling terrible!

  20. gee girl I told you not to play with those buggies...did you listen nooooooooo and then you go and get all tecnicolored .All kidding aside glad you are on the mend ...now just dip the pills in a little chocolate and they will go down alot easier....oh yes and you can put little ms on them too....get all better soon and just go spray that yard....get even darn buggies

  21. holy Jumpins Viccles.. me thinks a vet would have been faster and cheaper... get yourself better and keep that tall hair in order, we need to feed you more chocolate.... be safe my friend.. huggles from both of us...
