Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Born Free...

 Yesterday for a short while, Stink Pot was a fugitive... she had escaped. It was awhile before I realized it was awfully quiet and then I noticed the cat was nowhere to be found. I searched the house high and low for all of her favorite spots and finally determined she must have snuck outside unnoticed. She has made her run for freedom a couple of times and usually I find and capture and return her back inside within a few minutes. I am not sure how long Stink Pot had been missing but it could have been an hour or more.... I felt so guilty.

So I walked around the house softly calling "here Stink"..."here Stink"... and then louder..."here Stink"... just hoping the neighbors weren't outside to hear me. I was worried, she wasn't answering. I looked high and low and still no Stink Pot. I went back inside and looked again. Frustrated I stood looking out the back bedroom window and called again.

Then I saw her. She crawled out from among the shrubbery onto a rock and looked up and meowed and ducked back underneath a bush. She continued this game every time I called her. She knew she wasn't suppose to be outside. She knew she was in trouble. The more she ignored me, the more a dark cloud settled over me.

That darn cat....

I begged and called her to come, while she frolicked among the shrubbery. I mentally kicked myself for planting the shrubs in the first place. I had a mixed border of wiegelia, spirea, viburnum with an assortment of perennials mixed in. She chose the biggest shrub to hide under, the one that was blooming profusely and covered in bumble bees... I hate bumble bees...

After so long I realized I wasn't going to get near her, she was going to have to come to me. I then thought of the bright idea of dangling a piece of string, and hoping with her playful nature, she would take the bait. ...I could not find a piece of string..or yarn...or anything... I momentarily considered dental floss, but pulling a piece of it out of the package, I realized it was just way too thin. Finally after digging in my closet I found an old belt from a terry clothe robe. I stood at the edge of the border and coaxed her with it till she crept closer and I could grab her...

She hissed...she growled...she spit...

I hissed and growled, (but didn't spit), right back.

We spent the rest of the day ignoring each other. She sitting in the window and pouting. Me fuming that  most of my morning had been wasted trying to catch an obstinate cat. I know cats can survive on their own outside, and some would say to let her be an outside cat. I have considered it. She loves to stalk,  hunt, and be on the prowl. Goodness knows how many twist ties she has attacked and brought down with her stealth-like manner. She will do a little ceremonial dance around the offending twist tie, pounce, and then do an odd somersault roll. She does this odd roll every single time. I am not sure if it is some kind of animal death roll for it's victim... if she has been secretly watching the WWF while I am not at home, or if it is all for my benefit and she is expecting me to hold up a piece of paper, giving her a 6.0 for her dismount. 

She thinks she can take on anything. Whether that is from lack of sense, or a huge ego, I don't know. She will do her little dance around me as well...hopping in circles, waiting to attack my ankle. All my finger shaking and mumbling to her,.."hey I am bigger than you"..., has no affect. I think if she were to be an outside cat, her nine lives would be gone within a week. I know that being an outside cat her life expectancy will decrease dramatically. I don't think it's quite fair to my neighbors either having a roaming pet. Somehow we will have to come up with some sort of compromise, Stink Pot and I.

She wants her freedom, and I want her to live... For now she will just have to make do with practicing her WWF moves while I hum the theme from "Born Free". If you listen really quietly you can hear a little thud....yep, another twist tie take down.

She is a natural.... a natural born predator...


  1. glad you found her... StinkPot... such a cute cat name. I always enjoyed the playfulness of a cat... fun to watch them pounce on their unknowing prey... twist ties...LOL . The little plastic ring you pull from the milk jug make a nice toy too. mine used to bat it across the floor , run over to it, lie down on it's side and bat it the other way.

  2. LOL Vic that cat is going to keep you on your toes for sure. Build a fenced cage to put her in so she can get a taste of the great outdoors. lol Tie some ribbons to the top of the cage and when the wind blows them she will go nuts. I prefer to keep my cat indoors because of flea's but heck she won't even step out on the grass when she has a chance to get out. She will sit on the back steps like she is going to pounce on something but is too afraid to venture At least Stink Pot isn't afraird to crawl under a bush.

  3. u should take her out on rides in the country more-chucklin-

  4. I am a very doggy person...I think cats read minds, even the males are like women...dogs are just lovely faithful fools. Interesting read Vic..giggles. The pic of stinkpot is...cute.

  5. LMBAO poor StinkPot...her mommy is trying to keep her inside and she wants to be an outside kitty LOLLOL don't put any food out and maybe she will be willing to come in when dinner time rollls around:):)

  6. Most cats seem to go outside over here and return quite safely. Lesley (eldest daughter) has 4 of them the eldest being 12 and apart from one being run over and lossing a leg they have all survived being allowed their freedom.

  7. I have an outside cat who soon will be 20. He gets along very well in the great outdoors as long as he can have a warm place to sleep in winter. He would be miserable cooped up in the house.

  8. I used to keep my cat on a leash so she would stay safe when she went outside and so would the birds. Her collar was always attached to the leash and she never had it on in the house. It took only a short time to train her, and she would stand by the door and wait for us to put it on her. I could leave the door wide open and she would not go out unless she had the collar and leash on.

    She did not have front claws so I feared that she would not be able to defend herself if she ran loose. However she was still able to climb a short distance up the tree by our home.

    You have such a wonderful gift with words, I love reading your posts, and I recall the trepidation you had when you first adopted Stink Pot, or shall I say when she adopted you. Aren't they wonderful companions?

  9. I see StinkPot is still in charge then. lol

  10. I do believe that Stink Pot trained you. Have a dog that loves to roam free and hunt. Other than many many vet bills there has been no ill effect. Well, my wallet has suffered greatly. Last expense was for fencing for a play area and the 80 bux was a good investment. Maybe work for Stink Pot? You need to start on your book that you need to write.

  11. Wow, I know how that feels when they sneak out! My cats are declawed. So they're inside. I had an outdoor cat for 10 yrs. He got hurt quite bad a couple times, with some long R & R and vet visits, lost an eye. Plus, about every 3 months the last couple years, he'd have to get wormed cuz of eating mice w/worms...He kept getting em'. We had made a really cool outdoor porch thing for the cats. I'll email you a copy of it Vic. Just lemme' find it on which CD it's on. I know I got it.
    Plus I agree w/Strongwilled, you got the BEST BLOGS I ever read. You should be a writer! I love it when I see in my inbox that you gotta new's the first thing I read.!

  12. Oh yah, yesterday, I had bedroom window open. I only got a screen on the one side, and I had the wrong side open. When I went in one of the cats was perched lookin outside, and Noodles was roaming the roof. That was a trip!

  13. declawed and dehaired wow what next

  14. If StinkPot is not fixed consider doing that as it cuts down on the hormones and the urge to wander.
    Cats kept in doors are healthier and live longer due to not having fights with others and having expensive vet bills due to cysts from claws/fights. If you feed kitty nibble treats I suggest if they don't come in a tin put them in a container with a lid so that you can rattle it..Only do this rattling when you go to give her a treat and don't give her this treat to often so that she enjoys it more. Then if she gets outside you can rattle her treat tin and she should come running. When my Itchy got out or was hiding in the house all I had to do was rattle the tin and she came. I use to let my cats roam but sick and tired of I was allergic to them.
    Luv the idea Sue posted. That is way cool. I luv your blogs. Just thinking you use your blogs the same way I suggested rattling treats. When you do blog it is a dilly and so enjoyable.

  15. Nods - I get exactly the same dance of *catch me if you can* - *here I am* - *now I'm over here* - *see my pretty rear end pointing your way? that's cause I'm walking away while you're lungs are turning blue*.
    Yep yep I hear ya - we only want to keep them alive - and I bet you were spitting - grins - (not in her face but while calling her in a frantic and guilty "Stink" see ? spit lol)
    Looooved the post I'm sooooooo glad I'm not the only one suffering haha

  16. You think older cats go through menopause too? Nevermind.....

  17. There ya go, Viccles....the perfect can take Stink Pot out for a walk everyday...but, do it right, Missy...the well-dressed Calico MUST have some bling on her accessories....

    Great post!

  18. LOL Yar, oh I forgot, they're neutered too!

  19. Can just see Vic, walking the cat, Stinkpot all dressed up in a pink too too. LOL....The neighbors..."Look, there's that crazy cat lady, I dunno what happened to her".


  21. StinkPot, say it isn't're getting to be more like your mommy every day!!!!!!

  22. roflmao too funny sue -just as i pictured in my mind-

  23. Lol

    Everyone here is allergic to cats...but me...sniff sniff...I'll just have to view all my blog friends cats as my foster kitty' (I'd of went after that rotten lil stink pot...bees an all....snicker giggle.)

  24. I know it can be worrisome when your pet escapes the safety of the house. All I have to do is say the magic word, and Lily ( a dog ) comes running. The magic word is TREAT! I don't suppose that works on Stink Pot?

  25. Wow. I missed your blogs so much, lol.

  26. that was a grand story. cats are to be tormented just like dogs, kids and husbands
