Sunday, February 17, 2008

Year of Living Dangerously...

  This morning I was chatting with someone on gardening and different things each of us was planning to grow this year, when the conversation turned to cooking. They mentioned that this year they wanted to be adventurous, live dangerously, try new foods, different herbs, recipes, etc. My mind drifted to stir-fried squid, stinky tofu, and a host of other exotic foods heard about but never tasted. I shook my head and mumbled something about can I just live the year dangerously with meatloaf?

Meatloaf is safe, meatloaf is calming, it's filling, it's hot, it's something I can make that requires little effort or skills and still turn out. Anyone that is single out there, knows that we think nothing of calling a handful of pretzels and a diet soda, lunch. When we delve into making a meatloaf it's almost like a commitment... a safe commitment.

A year of living got me to thinking. I haven't been dangerous in a long time. I have been content in my little rut, continuing to make it deeper so that my rut has ruts. Meatloaf, like my life has been safe ....and predictable. Reading the blogs by Teddy and Possum lately of their plans to go on the Orange Walk in Vietnam have made me realize just how un-adventurous it has been around here lately. I have never been to a foreign country, flown in an airplane, or even experienced a culture completely different than my own. A huge part of that I blame on fear. Fear of people speaking differently than me, fear of flying, and fear of tapeworms. Yeah, I know, I have watched too many reruns on tv of Gregory House, but it's still there....fear of tapeworms or some parasitic creature in that foreign delicacy about to be served to me. So I play it safe and stick with what I know. Maybe this should be the year I live dangerously too.

I am not even sure where to begin on living dangerously. There are so many parts of my life that could stand to be shook up and given a change. Adventure and change go hand in hand. Some adventures, okay a lot of adventures though are out of my reach, just as they are for a lot of people. Changing myself though or being willing to change isn't. At my's kinda scary. Old habits are hard to break, ruts are hard to climb out of, making a change to live dangerously is scary. I know for me it will take babysteps.

A year of living sounds like an adventure. Maybe this year of 2008 will be that big adventure. I don't even have a clue on where or what to change, but if only one small thing happens, it will at least be something.

As I sit here writing this blog, StinkPot the cat is perched precariously on top of my old monitor, trying to keep an eye on me while enjoying the warmth generated from the computer. Looking at her, it's obvious from the left side of her face, with the shortened, frizzled whiskers she has gotten to close to a light bulb or from the crock pot bubbling away on the kitchen counter. Poor StinkPot, I don't know, maybe we should stick with the "Year of meatloaf", this year of living dangerously stuff just might kill us...


  1. Vic, I promise to post a new recipe of my "SPICY" meatloaf that is sure to give ya a kick in the pants lol. That way, you can commit to safe with a living dangerous twist *wink*

  2. OMG Vic! I swear I just love your BLOGS! LOL! I would've never equated "Meat Loaf" as "safe", but it all makes sense & I can relate. What a crack up. need to be in a rut girl either, and yer rut has ruts....too funny! It's winter and cabin fever getting to yah. I'll be dangerous with you when we go to Fla. & hey, I think then you can take a plane ride for the first time! And we'll smuggle stuff in our suitcases, is that dangerous enough? LOL. I gotta sign for you to tape on your T-shirt..

  3. Morgan...but that's the problem...I don't think!...

  4. When you brought up Stink Pots name I thought to myself, that was a big step for womankind, and the women in Red. I suggest calamari, and a trip to the zoo. You can growl at the lions, and brave the snake pit, and pretend your on a great African adventure. You may be able to ride a camel or elephant. Gee can I come with you?

  5. Viccles I think anyone who lives where you do lives dangerously...Auntie Emm, Auntie Emm!!!

  6. Maybe being adventuous is the answer, not dangerous

  7. The way I see it, Vic...these days, if we even venture out our front doors, we are living dangerously! If you are a student...if you go to a mall...if you drive down the are taking your life in your hands...
    Nah...Meatloaf...that's the way to go...*holds out plate*...

    Have a great day!

  8. Vic, Your breaking my heart to think that you are frightened of me just because I speak differently from you! (ROF) Sounds like you need a trip up the yellow brick road (I don't recall any tapeworms in Oz lol) You could always take us up on our offer to come visit is here in NC and I promise to put meatloaf on the menu for you!

  9. Hey you could stop and see me on the way to Mopsy's too. Mike says I make a GREAT meatloaf.

  10. Living dangerously is giving up chocolate for meatloaf.

  11. Hey Vic, you got that meatloaf cooked yet? Good day to come over for dinner......

  12. I'm to old (sob) to live dangerous. Have been on a plane once and after we were in the air I wondered why I wasn't scared when I knew I should have been. Dang it, I never got to try archery or white water rafting either. Should learn to swim better too! So much to do. Good blog. Hugs

  13. Pack your stinkpot and a suitcase and come with me in my truck if you want to live dangerously - no we won't be going anywhere special we'll just survive the truck's ride and its hiccups sneezes burps and snorts - um maybe.

  14. I'm stuck in a rut and the living dangerously is just me trying to make it to the bathroom before it's too late. I'm not up for that kind of living so I pray the day never comes that I have to eat something that has me feeling like it's still alive as I swallow. lol Staying living your life as you always have and be happy.

  15. well you COULD change things up a bit so ya wont be stuck in a could dump that meat loaf for some really provocative mystery meat dish...I am sure JD would be glad to offer some recipes is ya can find his sorry hide. I think Aliens have abducted him or he's with Wukky and Gloggy...or a giant tapeworm. ...then you might visit one of those corn mazes carved in a big ol field some where like a crop circle. Hiking through one could be lots of fun. No fair leaving a chocolate crumb trail though...ok so it not a Ho Che Mien trail but it could last as long if ya get lost....just drink lots orange pop. If all else fails come on down to SC and we'll go honky tonkin and party til ya puke hehe Now if that isn't dangerous just butter my butt and call me a biscuit!

  16. LMAO @ just butter my butt and call me a biscuit!...Dixie, you crack me up!

  17. I ain't going near her but, no matter what she calls herself,lol...

  18. There's a lot to be said for ruts! But, an adventure here and there is good too. Start out small. Take a college course, or volunteer somewhere. Once you've experience the small adventures, you can go all out for hang gliding or police work! LOL, hugs.

  19. Well Vic, you know me and being dangerous, or heck anything that has the word danger in it, so I aint givin no advice lol but i LOVE yer cats name, stinkpot thats so awesome lol hugs
