Monday, February 4, 2008


 It's official...

Over this past week-end, Santa saw his shadow and it will be at LEAST another six weeks til Easter...

...or something like that....

This past Saturday my family finally gathered on groundhog's day to finish the last of our Christmas celebrations from 2007, that had been rescheduled 3 times because of the weather. It was a nice day overall, sometimes sunny, sometimes cloudy, with nary a groundhog or reindeer or any other creature making an appearance....(well, not counting relatives of course).

After finally coming out of a sugary,chocolatey, fudge induced coma from December, I found my own shadow looming over the fudge plate again....twice. I will promise to refrain from fudge again for another year, or 10 months, or whenever Christmas should make it's appearance again in 2008. I have even contemplated giving up chocolate......(yes you read that right) up chocolate for the next month or two, along with all of the other candy delights of Valentine's Day and Easter.

No chocolate for 60 days. It's hard to type, let alone whisper out loud. It would be a lot easier to substitute brussell sprouts instead. I could give up those too,....those cabbage-y tasting brussell sprouts. Brussell sprouts and chocolate...chocolate covered brussell sprouts... or I could just give up one of them....say the brussell sprouts and still have the chocolate.

So there ya go....I am giving up brussell sprouts for the next 60 days....who said I didn't have will power?...

Well....we will see about the chocolate...... I am weak... weak and pathetic...I willingly admit that...But thoughts of being shadowed by a big behind might make me stick to it....

It's been a long winter, and I have been having the worst case of cabin fever. Just when you think the weather will start to warm up, more snow will fall, along with the frigid temps. I keep searching for the slightest hint of spring, but haven't found it yet....

No green buds....and no chocolate.

I guess it's still stuck, hiding in winter's shadow....

...along with the groundhog, Santa...and the fudge.....




  1. *grasps heart* You scared me there for a minute, Vic. Never, I say NEVER, speak those curse words again about giving up chocolate. *wipes forehead* I think I need to go lay down now!!!

  2. You givin' up chocolate be kinda like me talkin' all intelligent, articulate, and educated. It ain't gonna happen .... maybe ya oughta cut back a little when ya gotta start totin' that there big behind in a wheelbarrow.

  3. (collapses to floor in shock - squints one eye open, real careful like to check for paramedics or a rescue team)

    I didn't believe it for a minute, Vic. You giving up Brussels sprouts for 60 days? Fuh-ged-aboud-it! Not gonna happen!

  4. Snorts....Yeah like I'm gonna believe that !!
    skips away after I help poor mahv up off the floor
    you should be ashamed..haha
    forgot a pinch

  5. Merry Christmas!!! *Reaches over and grabs a handful of Brussell Sprouts...walks off munching...Mmmmm*...

    Have a super day, Viccles! Hugs...

  6. I love brussell sprouts! Can I have yours? slaps Suzi's hand.. I kind of look at that shadow thing like this.. If he sees his shadow we are going to have 6 more weeks of winter.. if he doesn't see his shadow it will be spring in 6 weeks.. that saves a lot of stress. LOL

  7. Hey Vic, You sound like me. I have all the 'will' power in the world... My problem is that I don't have any 'won't' power!. Hmmm is anybody offering odds on Vic not eating chocolate for 60 days?

  8. I wonder if a Mole would take the place of the Groundhog? If so then he saw his shadow and I think I should have shot the little bugger. Hang in there Vic, one day it will get warm and then you will have to start mowing and gardening while your cat destorys your house. lol Forget giving up chocolate...the medical news is that chocolate is good for you.

  9. Hey Viccles......don't feel too bad about having a late Christmas.....My Christmas cactus is blooming NOW.......I guess I didn't get it in the dark soon enough this year...As for the giving up chocolate. I'd rather see a blizzard in Ky.

  10. Never heard of a brussel sprout chocolate fondue??? Vic you really need to get out more.

  11. The end of the world is here the end of the world is here...... I cannot belive my eyes.... vic giving up chocolate? The world as we know it is coming to an end. I don;t think we will ever see a new era..... every one say thanks vic lol

  12. I saw my shadow yesterday when I was shoveling snow. At first I thought someone had built a snowman on my lawn. No such luck, it was just my shadow. So when I finished I waddled into the house, took off my boots and grabbed the hot chocolate, a few chocolate chip cookies, and a handful of tootsie rolls, and plopped my snowwoman down in front of the computer. After all those calories I spent shoveling I needed to replenish them.

    Be careful of those Brussels sprouts they will turn your hair green.

  13. LOL...I dunno why I didn't get a post for your new blog! I was just coming over to knock on your guest book and tell yah, it's about time for a new one. sound like me with the cabin fever! Ugh! It's killin' me! Well, we'll just have to go to Fla. w/our Cabana boys early! LOL!

  14. Oh, I just checked....I did get a post for the blog...Must've been distracted by something distracting.

  15. Now I think that's really sad not to have some animal around during a Christmas celebration so I thought I'd solve two problems in one um maybe three. I've brought you an animal and he'll help you eat the brussel sprouts and oh ya you couldn't miss this shadow lol

  16. *Stops by...drops off a bowl of fresh, hot, steamy Brussels Sprouts*...*blushes* thanks was my pleasure...enjoy!


  17. Jeesh...I'm 6 days late in getting It's early and I'm on my first cuppa java, in otherwords...I'm half asleep and here's the question...Does this mean you want me to cancel your order of 32 boxes of Girl Scout Chocolate Mint Cookies??? snicker

    (Ohhh Suzi...are those for me??? nummy nummy)

  18. Yay! Another Brussels sprouts lover!

  19. I thought you did fine overall through the holidays. Until... until I saw that fly circling you. Then I realized that was no fly. It was a Hershey's Kiss orbiting your big Christmas butt. Soooo, go for it. Try to do without chocolate for 60 days. I got your back( a wheelbarrow.) I keep telling Pam not to bring me anymore chocolate. She hasn't listened so far and I keep eating it. As much as I love the stuff I do want to stop eating it. Or so much of it. lol. ( To anyone that may read this. I do not really know if Vic has a big butt or not. My comment was only fictional. If in anyway it has been accurate I did not mean to be. Therefore, I , nor anyone in my family will now. or anytime in the future apologize to the afore mentioned big butted lady in Nebraska.)

  20. LOL @ Jim!

    Methinks Vic does have a big planetary behind with chocolate Hershey moons orbiting around it, and M&M stars twinkling in the great big chocolate system known as The Thin Mint Galaxy that resides in the Brussel Sprout constellation. Somewhere in that astronomical cosmic weave is the Pink Beehive solar system and the planet Vic.

  21. Hey! Chocolate is not the cause of Big butts on anyone! It is french fries and Hamburger's fault ! okay?!! and Pizza too. Chocolate is innocent I say ! Chocolate is the miracle food, it is at the Top of my food pyramid ! right next to the donuts and tater chips. If chocolate were responsiblefor big butts I would have on and I don't ! I don't have much of a butt at all, I have ate chocolate all day today,
    I hope that worked

  22. good it did... so anyways Like I said Chocolate is innocent. **sniffles** Choclate is yummmmmmeeee !
