Saturday, December 22, 2007

Early Christmas...

 Santa Claus is alive and well and living in North Carolina.

No that wasn't a typo, Santa does indeed live in the lower 48 states just East of me in the state of North Carolina.

I know it for a fact....and I have proof.

That proof came in the guise of a package addressed just to me and found in my mailbox. Upon opening up my package... I found presents, lots of presents. There was sweet stuff, garden stuff, and other stuff. Stuff that I wanted for Christmas, stuff I had asked Santa for.... stuff Santa must have read my letters or my blog about, because Santa sent me..... a pair of socks.

I got socks.... and I didn't even have to pretend to be good. I didn't have to act nice, be nice, or attempt to make my way off the naughty list over to the other side. The socks were mine, all mine, a gift from my North Carolina Santa along with other goodies.....

All I did was blog about wanting socks for Christmas.

Who knew it was this easy?....

Next year forget the socks, I am asking for George Clooney!


  1. Hang those socks on the chimney with care my friend. I want a shovel, and someone to use it.
    Do you have Santa's address? I sent my letter to the north pole and all I got back was a card, that said, fat chance. Whats up with that? But I did hang the card with the other two I got, the one from my banker that said some thing about pay up or you won't have to make anymore house payments. I thought wow this guy is really thoughtful, wonder if he would throw my truck in the package. The other one was from my utility company, they predict it is going to be a long bad winter, because it said something on the lines of ....You think its cold out side now, get those candles out, cuz the temperature in your house is going to match that of the outdoors. How thoughtful of them also to be concerned that I have candles on hand.

    Yup, the spirit of the season is really upon us. I can't wait to see the next cards I get, you never know who is thinking about you this time of year.

  2. Mopsy? LOL....
    You lucky girl.
    (Pencil in my name on that request for Clooney...snicker-giggle...he's just plain "Purdy"

  3. socks. Are you sure it wasnt a pair of kitty cats before you slipped them on your feet.I heard santa say he was taking you kitties. lol Merry Christmas

  4. Tsk, tsk, opened your Christmas present already???? THAT should keep you permanently on the naughty list!

    Have a good one Vic! Hugs...

  5. Somethings wrong here Vic...didn't you know to ask for a million dollars? That's on my list and with no taxes due. I'm going for the big stuff so get your Santa to read my reply. lol

  6. Dang.. I'm going out and check the mail box.. I was expecting Santa to come down the the fireplace.. so now I can close the flu and stop letting all the heat out! Or on second thought, was there anything in that box for me? grins

  7. so Vic how did santa know where you lived at, you never tell any one, so I am sure he didnt know you address either. lol

  8. Heck Buffy Santa has a nose and good at sniffin out smells...The aroma wafting from Vic's little cottage would lead him straight to her. Put them soxs on a stretcher so you can hang em on the end of your bed next year and get bigger gifties.

  9. haha Ya nut !!!!
    wow,what a wonderful prize

  10. LOL! I'm gonna try that next year!

  11. Lol good for you,I can't wait ither,I opened one of mine already, lol
