Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Writer's Block...

 This blog entry, courtesy of Farrell. He has accused me of causing a web-wide case of writer's block. So just for Farrell I will stymie the epidemic and write something,... anything my mind can think of to jump-start the rest of you and your own personal case of writer's block.

Actually yesterday I had thought about writing a blog, had even googled for some images and for all good intentions and purposes was going to post it late last night. Even then I would have been pushing the time limit as Veteran's day was technically on Sunday, observed on Monday, and all about forgotten on this Tuesday. It really wasn't going to be much of a blog, most of you had done something better, written more eloquent words, and you had accomplished to make that day be about what it was to be, a day of remembrance. I remembered, I just didn't say it or blog it.

So today I am off on a new subject, any subject, whatever happens to pop into my head to appease Farrell. It's difficult to sit in front of a screen without a thought or idea of what to say, and just force yourself to type anything,... just to blog for blogs sake. I tried to catch up with several of your blogs earlier this morning. Sitting here with jumbled thoughts of Sue's mom, JD's bugs, Mahvin being back or at least appearing to be Mahvin (I have visions of him really being a large ventriloquist doll for Bubs) and Mac's blog on cabbage, I think all of you have hit the high points for the week and it's only Tuesday. I know I could take the easy way out, post a blog on recipes, poems, jokes, or a few quotes. In fact I have a little book of quotes by my computer that I was looking in earlier for my "blast" on 360. Nothing seems to be catching my eye or mind today.... Yes, my mind is a blank, though I am sure many of you already suspected that a long time ago.

Hmmm, I could mention what all I have accomplished this morning....dishes, a load of laundry, checking my real mail box, and feeding the cat. I could tell you that we (the cat and I) have somehow misplaced her tiny stuffed bear. It's a sickly color of flesh tone pink with a little green knitted hat stitched on it's head and it's gone missing. I know it most likely has been devoured by dust bunnies under a heavy piece of furniture and it's just waiting for me to crawl around on the ground peering into the dark depths to find it. I am not in the mood though, so unless the cat finds it on her own, she is stuck today with batting around wadded up pieces of paper.....poor kitty.

It's windy, chilly, and sunny all at the same time today. Leaves are still hanging on, falling off, and in some places just completely gone. Housework, yardwork, and other work, just another day, another Tuesday. A day like many, for many. So there it is.....my blog for Farrell. I know that it will cause your creative juices to flow, you will be blogging with a fiendish passion that you never knew you possessed before....and if it doesn't....(shoulder shrug)...I tried.


  1. Well, MY passion just took the fiendish plunge...


  3. Well crappers for someone with nothing to write about you sure just took up my hour of great reading material.

  4. I bet that kitty knows exactly where that bear is and shes just sitting back laughing up her furry sleeve at the sight of Vic wrestling dust bunnies and other creepy crawlies that lurk under that bed while desperately searching for it.

  5. I can picture it now...Vic's rear end is stuck up in the air while she is on her knees looking under the sofa for the bear...and then...BAM! The cat takes a flying leap, claws extended, and attaches herself to Vic's butt!...*Walks away giggling to herself*...

  6. I had to LMAO looking at this.....to the right in the ad space ( in case you ever notice it references topics mentioned in the blog or what it assumes are close to it topics) ...in this case there are 2 good ones, one for writers block....to be taken care of at writersblock.com... the second for cat urine behavior problems......I think SP is getting a bad rap here......but to cure that problem you go to catfaeries.com, I am afraid to scroll up and see what the top ad is for........I wonder what would happen if you did a blog on marital aids......LMAO

  7. Like I said before, don't be dissin' my bugs. And I ain't gonna say what Cyn's pom uses his stuffed bear for ...

  8. JD.. you ain't supposed to talk about Teddy's humpy bear in public! Pinch, pinch..
    Now vic about your blog, so how many carrots do we grate up for the cake? giggle

  9. Geesh, I'm just drawing a blank here! lol

  10. I haven't been writing in my blog lately, so I'll just keep writing in yours:)

  11. Yummmmmm.... carrot cake! Thanks a lot, Cyn!

    Vic, I hold you personally responsible for everything that comes out of my...errr Mahvin's mouth. Now the trick is how do you get a dummy to say he is a dummy without appearing like a dummy yourself? Answer that and ventriloquism is a cinch!

    Oh and nice try on the Jedi mind trick to blog. Those tricks don't work on other Jedi.

  12. Don't think Vic's mind is a blank, she sure manages to find something in there to make us all smile again!!! Keep doing what your doing Vic!!!

  13. yup you sure can come up with stuff to write even with writer's block...I'll bet your right that little bear is under the bed or got stuffed in some closet and when ya open the closet it'll fall out at ya..ohhh yeah maybe that's my closet's that have all the stuff stuffed in them...:)

  14. No matter what's in your blog, it's fun to read. I am almost always blog blocked. I'm like the Scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz..........if I only had a brain..... :)
