Sunday, August 5, 2007

Entry for August 05, 2007 - Blog Days of Summer...

It's been slow.

I've heard that a lot lately.

Blogs are fewer. People have gone missing. In the full swing of the dog days of summer, Yahoo 360 has taken a back seat. Gardens require attention, yardwork is in full swing, vacations are being taken before the school year starts again. Life keeps us busy.

But a few blogs trickle in, I see them on my updates and I try to read them every day. Some days I get behind and it will be longer than just a day or two before I make it there, but I try to make the effort if at all possible. Some blogs I may have only left a smiley face. If that is a the case, please check your settings for your blog page. I can't write a comment or leave a message if your page is closed. I understand sometimes about being leery. Unsure of what people may say or do on your blog page, but that is the beauty of blogging. It can be deleted. A person can be ignored. You can shut out all but your closest friends if you want.... If only real life was that easy...

For being such a slow time in 360, I still have read so much, shared some sorrows with some of you who have had a difficult week or two. There has been moments of joy and congratulations, of new grandbabies, new accomplishments, new homes, new gardens, and a new life.

There has been silliness too. I always seem to surround myself with sort of silliness. Stalking pickles, a chainsaw wielding wiener dog, quizzes, games, zucchini left on my blogstep, and some green tomatoes that seem to follow me to whatever blog I go ....(please return those to Vero).... Wukky and Gloggy now home from their never ending blog travels. Blog weary, it's a wonder when they will attempt such a big endeavor again. Recipes posted and a chili cook-off....guaranteed to give anyone a hotflash if the weather isn't hot enough for you.

I sit here and wonder what to blog about. Nothing exciting has happened this week. The yard was mowed but needs to be mowed again. The weeds keep popping up, work still goes on. There hasn't been any earth shattering or blog worthy news to write or gloat about. "Stinkpot" the cat is still alive, and taken to fits of energy that have destroyed one philodendron, and a roll of toilet paper. I guess as far as sacrifices go, that isn't too bad for one week. He has gone from being a timid bottle fed kitten, to an ankle biting demon that demands attention with a high pitched squeak....(similiar to the sound of a New Zealand chipmunk if you have ever heard one on voice chat)...

I don't feel it's really blog worthy though, to just blog an update on a cat.

It's hot and I am tired. Not tired of 360 or blogging, but just a general tiredness of too much and too little. Too much to do, and too little time and energy to do it all. It's a general feeling I get from a lot of bloggers lately....this being tired stuff.

I think it will pass though. It's like everything in life, there are ups and downs and moments,... lots of moments of nothing really special going least for me. I do know that one blogger has a birthday coming up tomorrow and I won't mention any names encase it is a secret. However it would be a Cyn, a sin if I were remiss in wishing them a Cyn-mply wonderful birthday with my Cyn-cerist wishes on their special day. I had plans on visiting the worlds largest,..(or at least Tennessee's largest) garage sale at Hillbilly's and acquiring a painted velvet Elvis poster, or a ceramic duck planter, or some equally treasured gift. But just a simple Happy Birthday wish will have to suffice.

Happy birthday my blogging buddy....

May your day be completely awesome .....and something for you to blog about...

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