Friday, July 13, 2007

Entry for July 12, 2007 - A Year in the Blog of Vic...

I wasn't going to initially blog on this today. I was going to wait till the wanderings of Wukky and Gloggy were over and the last of their cyber postcards were no longer trickling in.

But today is a bit of a milestone for me and my blog. It's our one year anniversary. I didn't think I could let such a big date pass without the tiniest of a fuss made.

Wow, a whole's hard to believe it has been that long and in many ways it seems like it should be longer than just a solitairy year. At times I felt a blogged a lot, maybe too much, other times I felt I didn't blog enough. This will be my 107th blog over 365 days. Not the best of records, but probably not the worst either. I had hopes of blogging each and every day when I started. Ha! How crazy that notion sounds now. Even I am bored with my life, how in the world did I think I was going to entertain all of you each and every day. I can't even juggle,.... and I suck at hand puppets.

But you stuck with me.

Thru thick blogs when I rambled on, and those skimpy blogs on the thin side. Those first few weeks I had my worries. My friends list was so tiny. So few people that I knew out there in 360. But gradually I found you. Many of you were chat friends of a certain chat room who had migrated over to the more sane world of blogging. Some of you I begged thru yahoo groups to come blog with me and hold my hand so I wouldn't feel so alone. Some of you I happened upon by chance, from a blog of a friend or a friend of another friend. A few of you had reservations. It's okay to admit it now... now that we are friends. I had to coax a few of you....with smiles, silly comments, teasing banter,... and in one instance, with cake.

You accepted me, with just a click of a button. Oh sure, there was a blogger or two that made me wait. Whether out of fear of not knowing me, fear of me being too immature and crazy, or just not having the heart to say no. You said yes, and I am glad you did.

I went and looked back thru a few of my blogs. Some stuff I had forgotten I had written, and there is some stuff that you won't let me forget what I had written. Blogs on recipes, memories, politics, and a blog confession or two.... Gnome blogs, graphic intense blogs, blogs on romance, blogs on my neighbors,... and on my knickers. Most of the blogs I have written I have been pleased about, with an exception of one,... quite possibly two. Blogged on a day of frustration and with a bit of glib, I should have known better. I even had thought about deleting those blog entries,... but I didn't. I am not perfect, and my blog isn't going to be either. You will have to accept me and my blog with it's warts and all....

It's my blog,... and it's me...

I hope in the upcoming new year of blogging I am as equally blessed as my first year....with your friendships, smiles, giggles, and maybe even a thought provoking blog or two. As you and your blog reach your small blog milestones I will be with you as well, celebrating along too.

Bring on the cake,.... and make it chocolate of course!...

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