Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Entry for April 03, 2007 - Chicken...

I'm a chicken.

Yes I know, the pic up there at the top of my blog is not a chicken but a pic of an ostrich. I can be an ostrich too. I hide. Maybe not buried up to my neck in sand but I hide or hide my opinion. It's easier to hide and not make a comment or opinion that might not go over well. I hate controversy. I hate even more being in the middle of controversy. So that is why sometimes I will come across a blog that I have read and I will not comment on it. Well.....sometimes I do, but it will be some silly flip comment that really doesn't address the issure. It's that chicken part of me. The part that hates to make waves or disagreements.

In my Yahoo 360 blog searching, in the last couple of days I have come across some blogs in which the blogger had stated their feelings and opinions. One of those blogs I read late at night and I have to admit I sat back and thought....whoa. I didn't comment though. It was late at night and I thought better of it, that I should reread it in the light of day. So I did. I reread it and could sense the writers frustration but it still came off as harsh, maybe somewhat cruel. I read the comments posted and they were split down the middle and then I left without leaving a comment.....big chicken that I am.

I enjoy reading blogs where the blogger states his feelings on a subject. I admire their bravery at posting a blog that might cause controversy. I know also that we have a choice to read that blog or not read it or to post or not post a comment on it. Some days I know that I can not get out what I want to say in a fashion that makes it more smoothly digestible. Some days I stick my foot in my mouth, and I cringe.

Today I came across a blog that was political in nature. I hate politics. I try to steer from them. I was a chicken again. Oh I commented, but just a silly innane comment. I felt that if I were to post anything negative about my feelings on the president and his term(s) in office I might be considered unAmerican and then I would really be a chicken...or lumped with the chicks...those Dixie chicks.

I don't hate the president. I haven't protested or said unkind or negative things about him. But there are times I am very disappointed in his actions and choices that he has made. I think my country is the best country in the world. I think it's people are some of the best in the world also. That doesn't mean though that I am going to agree with everything my government does or say. We have so many opportunites here that can't be found in a lot of countries. I will be happier when those opportunities are granted to each and every person despite their income or race. A president is elected by the people, for the people and he is also answerable to the people. It's nothing personal against him. I just want to make sure that those elected officials are there for the good of the whole country and not for a few select individuals. I love my country. I support my country. I support the people who fight for my country.

I am still a chicken though. I couldn't type those words at that blog.

I got to thinking that I tell people I want to know them thru their blogs. It's difficult to know or get to know someone when they don't post opinions. Stories and jokes are fun to read, but it doesn't tell me about that person. I am guilty sometimes of that too. I post silly stuff and the only thing it could possibly tell you is that I have a warped sense of humor. I got to thinking about those blogs that I didn't comment on, and about my own blog. Perhaps there has been a blog or two you yourself have come across and were afraid to comment on. Perhaps you thought you would be ostracized, so you left quietly on tiptoes with nary a typo.

So today this blog is open for all the chickens in the 360 world ...and the non chickens. Type what you want, comment on what you will. Be truthful without fear of reprisal. Comment with your true feelings. Tell me things you have wanted to say but have held back. I won't think less of you, in fact I will think more of you for being completely honest.

Chickens and ostriches of the blog world........unite!

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