Thursday, March 22, 2007

Entry for March 22, 2007 - Nine Million Years, and counting...

Time gets away from us, I was going to blog on this the other day but didn't get to it. Several blogs have been written about Spring officially arriving this week. Though you couldn't tell it here. For being the first day of spring, it was 40 degrees and overcast with a fierce wind.

Some things are a given. The change of seasons, life, death, rebirth, jellybeans at Easter, and the sandhill cranes migration thru Nebraska. Somewhere in my web surfing, I read that the migration of these magnificent birds had been going on for nine million years. I at first thought that had to be a typo, nine million years, it boggles the mind. I can't even think past tomorrow most days.

Nine million years. They come every year, for roughtly 6 weeks from the end of February till the first of April, in the largest concentration to feed in the fields and on the wetlands and marshes along the Platte river in Nebraska. Bird lovers across the globe come in their own migration to photograph and experience the moment. Many are hoping to catch a glimpse of a whooping crane migrating with the sandhills cranes. It can be an awe-inspiring sight to see the birds by the thousands with their large 5-6 foot wingspan. (Included up in my blast above, is a link to the National Geographic live cam, make sure and check their page for the best viewing times.)

Spring brings so many changes. After a long cold winter, it's a relief to see the earth coming back alive. The birds arrive, flowers bloom, trees and grasses start to green up and their is a sense of rebirth and renewal of life. It was on the official day of spring that I also read about in 360 the passing of Silverfox.
Silverfox (Al) was one of the very first people I met on 360. His blogs on life, and faith, and common sense hit home with those of us who were lucky enough to be on his friend's page. Al grew up in Nebraska and I was always going to ask him if he watched the migration of the sandhill cranes.

Time and people slip from us. Time flies, time drags, time is elusive. We can't reach out and grab it, and if we try to, we might look down and see those time-worn hands we don't recognize as our own that Hillbilly blogged about earlier this week on his 360 page. Now before you start to write and leave me comments about being down and depressed I want to impress upon you that is not the case.

It's spring,.... it's renewal,... it's about life and growing, and nine million years.

Things change, life changes, but I find it oddly comforting that the cranes will still be flying and spring will always come. We can try to mark a date on our calendar every year,..... we can't really pin it down to the exact time and date though,..... but it still comes.... and they still come.

*side note: The National Audobon Society has issued a warning for people living in Oklahoma for the migratation and influx of killer zombie turkeys.

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