Monday, May 2, 2011

Cause Vero Said So....


I have been guilty of not blogging lately, and with Vero's gentle nudging I hope to get back into the swing of things.

I keep thinking something exciting will come along that I can write about, that will keep you all enthralled and on the edge of your far that hasn't happened. Like so many of you, I have been busy trying to get some work done outside and it seems to be a never ending job.

This past week-end was Arbor day and there is always a huge celebration in Nebraska as it is the home for Arbor day.  I didn't plant any new trees this week-end but two new trees were planted earlier this spring. Like everything else, it's one step forward and two steps back as I also have a few pine trees to remove that have succumbed to disease. That should make for an interesting blog in it's self as I am thinking I can surely take them out myself. At least that is what I keep telling myself, and they aren't really all that big, a little bit taller than the garage, and not that big around. But you know how things look from a distance. Once I have chainsaw - gas or electric- in hand I may be rethinking my capabilities. It doesn't help that everytime I even mention the word chainsaw, certain relatives of mine start to hyperventilate. I swear I am not that dangerous to be around but they evidently think otherwise.

The garden is alive with blooms and the lilacs, redbuds, crabapples, fruit trees are a sight to see. My head though seems to be unaware as most of my time lately seems to be down and staring at weeds and the dirt below them. Posted above is a pic of an iris called pugzilla that I have blooming now. The pic is not mine but from the website where I ordered from two years ago, and this happened to be one of the "freebies" they included. It's a tiny iris, a SDB that is about a foot tall. The regular tall bearded iris will be starting to send up bloom stalks soon, but I am not going to allow that yet as I am not finished weeding them... I doubt they will listen to me though. Nature has a mind of it's own.

I have found that to be so true a lot of the time when gardening. I plant stuff that die and try to kill stuff that keeps on living. I sow grass seed, to only mow it down and curse it on hot humid days when trimming. I make borders that only cause plants to self sow outside of them. I dig up more dirt, to plant more flowers, to have more weeding to do.

Gardeners are just a bit sick and masochistic that way.

I hope that my blog will do for Vero now, I will try and do better...both here and with gardening.


  1. Giggling. If only I could get such obedience from a few that are a little closer to home. ((sighhhh))
    That little iris is such a rich color. The only dwarf I have is "Baby Blessed", a re-bloomer which is a pale yellow but very fragrant.

  2. Like the pic. I am not a keen gardener. I begin keen at the start of spring but by the end I am fed up of chasing the weeds. Please tell me what Arbor day is?

  3. Ok so you will the next one be in July or something? Its ''let everything go wrong for Zee'' day here. My A/c conked out as we had power surges..even the power surge stabilizer conked out. My right ear is hearing left ear is hearing different voices from the tv..very confusing. My relatives would panic and hire bodyguards if I buy a chainsaw we have that in common. I cant even grow an onion to save my nongardening soul. I love your lil yellow flower..some flowers pop up in my back yard on their if to defy me. Everytime I see a flower, I feel its saying '' I can grow on my own..minus your effort, so dont even dream of taking credit for it''. I got inspired by Vero once, a few monsoons ago..and walked towards the only little patch of earth I have, with very purposeful gardening strides carrying a tiny spade... and a sparrow saw me and threw up. You made me Google Arbor Day..nice.
    This is my blog within your blog.

  4. I would comment but I am so fed up with gardening it would only add to the misery.

  5. India
    Van Mahotsav is an annual tree planting festival in vogue since 1950.

    An interesting link,_Charlie_Brown

  6. Van Maha utsav..van..pronounced as wun..means forrest..maha means big..utsav means have 4 such festivals in india every year cos of climates ranging from tropical, to sub tropical and mountain areas.

  7. The photographer didn't do the little flower justice. The beards are not in focus.

  8. A flower with a beard? BeardS??

  9. The times you chased Wukky and I around yahoo 360 with a chainsaw I would say your very experienced, Wukky want to know if you can juggle with chainsaws....

  10. Definitely gardening is never ending, but it is rewarding when things you have planted grow and don't die.

  11. I guess you are sowing your seeds? Oh wait... that's the other way around

  12. Thanks Viccles for the really interesting blog..and thanks Zee for your really good blog in a blog!....I love to hear what is happening and planting or the case maybe....Is quite good with a chainsaw!

  13. I forgot...that little iris is lovely!

  14. Yay Vic, love the iris have written it down so I can hunt for it here, know what you mean tho lots to do and so little time......

  15. Arbor day is a holiday here that is usually the last Friday in April that was originated in Nebraska. The day is set aside for planting trees. The first arbor day was in the 1800's started by a guy named J. Sterling Morton. He and his wife had moved to Nebraska and was disheartened by the almost treeless state. Mr. Morton worked for a newspaper and constantly wrote on the value of trees and their usefulness in conservation. It was designated a holiday and it was estimated on the first Arbor day almost a million trees were planted...

  16. all the flowers around my house are volunteers!.. one of these days I will have to start marshalling them into proper beds.. I have a feeling they wont volunteer themselves into where I want them though. I shall have to dig them up and replant them and that sounds too much like

  17. You dont have the 'click' button..I do on FV ;)) its easier there.

  18. It is great to see you blogging.

  19. Agrees with Misty...more..more..

  20. Wukky is being held captive by the evil war lord, Glogmeister...
