Sunday, November 21, 2010

Early Turkey...


Today is an early Thanksgiving celebration for my family, as it was one of the few days that the majority of them could get together. I have been elected, selected, drafted or whatever you want to call it for today's meal. Please say a little prayer for me, and on second thought maybe a bigger prayer for those who will partake of my holiday cooking.

I am happy to report that my turkey is not frozen this year and is ready to pop into the roasting contraption whenever I get the bird ready. Crossing fingers and yet another prayer that the roasting contraption still works as it's been a couple years since I last used it to cook a turkey in.

So much to do, so little time, and it's at moments like this that I find myself procrastinating even more. I should be busy chopping veggies, filling the pickle and olive dishes, slicing that jellied canned cranberry sauce that my mom and sister-in-law crave and refuse to eat any other kind. I should be looking at recipes, gauging how long the ham takes to cook, the turkey, the stuffing, etc. etc. I should be coordinating times and schedules, what goes in first, what should go in next, dig out table settings, tablecloth, pitchers, glasses, and all other sorts of paraphernalia.

Good grief, I should be cleaning, dusting and dusting and more dusting. I should be disturbing spiderwebs, scrubbing floors, shaking rugs, and doing a million other things...But I feel like procrastinating. I will get to it when I get to it, seems to be my motto today. I am wondering if it is some inner sort of rebellion that my subconscious has taken over and is refusing to get into the swing of things. I should be moving, I should be doing stuff, I should be checking the freezer for a carton of cool whip for pie.

I find myself instead logging on here, snooping around a bit and yet not saying much in the fear I won't be able to tear myself away in time for turkey. Turkey takes time, turkey is awfully demanding for a bird, and a dead bird at that.

(sigh) I guess I should go get busy, scatter some dust bunnies, plug in the roaster to make sure it works, go look for poultry seasoning, and maybe a vegetable peeler. I have one of those, somewhere.

Wishing all of you an early turkey day, an early Thanksgiving that makes us all reflect on what we are thankful for this year. Me, I am thankful for family, friends, here and otherwise. Thankful for the cat, most days. Thankful that I am still treading water and keeping afloat in a rotten economy.

I am also thankful that I have a pressed turkey roll in a little aluminum til foil pan as back up in case I blow the big bird in some way....I think the gravy is even included too.

Enjoy your day and continue those prayers for me in the kitchen today and take time to reflect on your own reasons for being thankful this year. One of those reasons being that you are safe from my culinary delights.


(pic above, for those who can't view the background on my page)


  1. Happy ThanksgiviNg ! (sneaks out with the vegetable peeler)

  2. Love the picture..saved it for posterity ! ( I always wanted to be the ''other'' kinda injun)..;))

  3. Awesome read! I know you'll do fine with dinner as your always talking about food LOL
    I am Thankful for my family and friends! Happy Thanksgiving Vic!

  4. Have a great time. I am sure all will be fine and everyone will enjoy themselves. Maybe you could give them all a duster to make them feel part of your home and have a bit more time to do what you enjoy best - lolol - only kidding. Have fun.x

  5. Heeeeey nooo faaair ............. YOU give to have Thanksgiving FIRST ................. *I* want an early Thanksgiving too!!!

    I'll bet your turkey will be GREAT! Hope you have a wonderful day!

  6. Sounds to me like you have been infected by one of virus's that are floating around on here, hope it all turns out OK in the end. But a word of warning you will not achieve anything by slumming over on Facebook.

  7. Great graphics there, Vic. Enjoy your turkey. Not too much. :-)

  8. Don't work too hard and enjoy your dinner.

  9. Typical net junkie.. Just like me ;>)
    Hope it all comes together for you. You could post a pic of that bird. Give us the 'bird' so to speak.

  10. I imagine you love cooking... or you would've suggested making a reservation at Shoneys or some other establishment. Good job with the photoshop. I love that you assigned me to holding up the letter G. :D *smokes the peace pipe*

  11. Prays for the kitchen fairies to I the 'i'????

  12. happy thanksgiving Viccles!! I hope it all falls into place for you and that you have a wonderful family time . XX

  13. Pre made Turkey Roast in the Aluminum pan back up, lol. Doesn't it seem to just a bit taste like someone stuck a Spam in there?

    I'm thinking the picture is actually of the Thanksgiving Gnomes that show up and do all the dusting while scheming for the after party.

  14. First I have to say what a great job you did with the group picture. I stole it erm I mean I took a copy of it to save it along with all your other spectacular imaging magic art work.
    Yes I’m sentimental in that way. Now to read your post. brb

  15. I’ll be saying the rosary many times over and 20 Hail Mary’s for each recipe page you’ll open. And light one candle for every room you have to dust on the Hanukkah Menorah. I know about being selected or inducted into having to cook for everyone. Stands one minute in silence and hangs head.
    But think of how great it is to have everyone together for the holidays. Your food will be absolutely delicious (that’s why you were chosen hehe). And above all, wish you and yours a very Happy Thanks Giving Vic.

  16. i'm not in the photo...guess they don't make pilgrim uniforms for robots*grins*

  17. I like to ease my new contacts into my sense of humor....don't want to scare them off too soon ;)....

  18. if
    *releases a pre loaded snowball from his slingshot*

  19. it's one of the mars rovers as a thumbnail

  20. Lol, I figured that is what it was.....or a really kewl tonka toy...

  21. you missed by about 3 hours...we didn't have the heart to start the full snowball fight without you

  22. *grins*we just errr.. warmed up a bit

  23. Argh! The story of my life....late to the party...(sigh)... I will once again aim to show up when the party is getting started...

  24. Better yet before you start the snowball fight, have a refreshing lemonade.

  25. Ah another great blog..You'll do fine. Happy Thanksgiving to you and all your family.
