Monday, September 27, 2010

Garden Notes - Fall Wrap Up...


It's been awhile since I have blogged or written much of anything lately. The summer seemed to go by all too quickly and it's hard to believe it's already fall and winter is around the corner. With temps in the 40's at night though it is a very real reminder that the year is almost over for gardening. I have to admit that this year was a bit of a dismal year for veggie gardening. The perennials and flowers basked in all of the rain that seemed to fall for weeks and weeks. The veggies sulked though and some just down right gave up.

Peas and beans did well. Onions and potatoes started to rot. Squash, cukes, and zucchini were abundant. Corn and tomatoes refused to do much of anything. Peppers gave big promises with one big flush of fruits before spending the rest of the summer sitting by idly.

It's enough to make a gardener want to throw in the towel. Each year seems to be a crap shoot and you are never sure what your odds are going to be or how mother nature is going to throw the dice. I have to admit that my heart wasn't into it as much as it was earlier in the year. Between the constant rain and heat and humidity, and having relatives visit for 7-8 weeks, I didn't feel like doing a whole heck of a lot. Spring had me going gangbusters and then things kinda just had to look after themselves for awhile.

August came though and with it some cooler temps that continued into September that had me feeling like I was being dealt a good hand for once. I seemed to get more accomplished lately than I had for the whole summer. New flower beds made, plants shuffled, and even some new purchases made. The above pic is a variegated euonymus that I googled for to show you one of the plants I just put in last week. It was an impulse purchase and I needed a plant for a difficult spot. I hope that it will flourish there despite not having the best of locations. I did like the brightness of the yellow and green leaves and already having some of the more common variegated green and white euonymus, I knew it would - or should, be easy to grow.

A few garden catalogs are still trickling in this fall and has me thinking I need to plant more trees.  A new bulb catalog arrived yesterday that has me thinking tulips, a new catalog of peonies has me thinking (and googling) for peonies....yes I have a bad case of me see - me want.. A typical response for me when any gardening catalog arrives that is usually reserved for spring. Fall seems to be my new spring this year and I am taking advantage of it and it's possibilities, and I hope that you are too...

Links for some of you die hard gardeners: (a fantastic site to view almost any peony variety available) (hosta site, because we can never have enough hostas) (try something new like siberian iris) (gardening by the moon, check your planting dates)





  1. lol george...Sorry you had such a rotten go this year. So unlike you to get discouraged.

  2. I have that euonymus and it is lovely but can be cantankerous. If it gets damp it gets a mildewy stuff that can actually kill it.Once it gets going it can surprise you. One of mine went up a corner attaching itself to the inside corner moulding of our vinyl siding. I let it go about eight feet up before deciding it might not be such a good idea. lol

  3. One of my favorite euonymusssssssses is the "Manhattan"... a deep dark green rounded shrub that is resistant to everything except deer. It makes a lovely splash of green against the snow.

  4. Should that have been eunomyiiii?

  5. I will start a "Feed Viccles 2010" charity drive.

  6. You know, like a sister. Don't go getting any ideas.

  7. Awwww I just went to Zzee's blog and seen today is your birthday! Or tomorrow! Or sometime soon! And look, I already gave you your birthday present by being nice (see below). Hugs!

  8. OMG It is your birthday ♪♫Happy Birthday to you Happy Birthday to you!!!!! And many more!!! Happy Birthday Vic. ♪♫

  9. You’ve already given Vic her present – see below? I think we need some detailed data here Um. Below = where?

  10. LOL That's why they call it gardening and NOT picking! ;-)

    Gardening's not over for the year yet, I'm just planting fall crops!


  11. Gad that your garden did well this year Vic . we have had a bad year it may because we spet a lot of the time away

  12. thanks everyone for the birthday wishes!...

  13. what??? you mean it's true?? you put the real date somewhere on the nets?
    ok ok, belated happy...yeah. *hands you a delicious bass*

  14. Vic...I guess it was an odd growing season for many places this year. Morning Glories bloomed very late. Our squash and cukes did nothing. Maters and peppers in the topsy turvies did ok (except groundhogs kept breaking bottoms of the mater plants hanging down (or is that the tops??) But the hot peppers we grew are SO hot. I was working with one the other day and the oil burned my finger. And I will say 'Happy B'day" again. And thanks for the links. *hugs*

  15. Must admit haven't really had the time to spend in the garden, basket lasted well but they are going off very quickly now.

  16. I dont grow anything anymore..except my nails..sits around feeling gloomy..cos I used to have 10 green thumbs once on my 2 paws. But I have a small dream for my future..where there will be a tiny garden. Then I'll blog about my fresh coriander;)) which Vero hates. I hope you had a wonderful birthday dear Vic.

  17. Happy Birthday !

    yah the summer, indeed the whole year has gone by so quickly. i guess we're getting older. you have relatives over for 7-8 weeks ? Gosh, i don't think i could put up with any family member i love for longer than 10 days. they'd be dead after 7 weeks !!!

  18. Garden, is that that space outside the back door where I have to cut grass occasionally?

  19. May I stay with you summer 2011 for an undetermined amount of time?

  20. Of course Um will you be coming before or after your summer?

  21. I'll ring you prior to my arrival.

  22. K will need to get in beer.....

  23. susan has the garden in her blog,not a bad year,but a bit hit and miss....sweet potatoes,potatoes ,peppers,and herbs did fantastic,corn was good,butternut squash was completely off the wall,our volentier tomatos shruged off the wilt and kept going reasonably well..all the tomatoes and peppers had to have tomato worms picked off,all the brassicaes had to have catapillars removed(but are still growing despite overnight lows of 25 F)....errrr-had some of that beer,not bothering to spell check
