Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Rear Window

As with most days, time gets away from me and before I know the day is over and it's onto the next. I had planned on writing this blog over the week-end but didn't get around to it. It's not a blog of much importance, it's just about a day last week in which I was out for a bit of a road trip and the things that I saw.

I don't know why it seemed like the day was any different from the rest, but it seemed like I saw so much more that day than I usually do. I don't know if I was more aware of my surroundings, my mind open and not lost in thought as it usually is, or if I was really seeing and taking in what was around me instead of dwelling on me and what I was doing for a change.

Friday I went to visit my grandmother, and MkChippy you will be glad to know I did find out more about the pic from the previous blog. It is a pic of my great great grandparents on my mom's dad's side. They had left for Colorado to see if it would help with my great great grandmother's health problems. They weren't there long at all before they decided to move back home. Evidently the move back suited them well as my great great grandmother lived to be well in her 90's.

My day started with seeing a couple of my neighbors outside. I saw a man working in the hot sun to help a widowed neighbor lady, only to balk and hold his hands up and shake his head "no" when she tried to pay him...

I saw a bald woman out mowing her yard. It would be enough to make anyone stop and stare and wonder at her state of hairless-ness. I would wonder myself if I hadn't asked her if she was ill or having problems. Neither was the case, she shaved it on purpose to commiserate with another friend who was...

On my trip I stopped to get a few things and it was while I came out from shopping that I noticed an old white haired man push his shopping cart across the paved parking lot. He finally came to a stop when he was in front of a John Deer tractor and he took his bags of purchases and placed them in the the bucket of his front end loader and then took off. It had me wondering. Was he having car trouble and took the tractor in to town as a last resort? Had he been working in the fields nearby and stopped for a few necessities before heading back home? Whatever his story was, it gave me a giggle. I could only shake my head and think only in the midwest...

It was in that same parking lot I saw a large woman in a sleeveless t-shirt and a stained short skirt walk in to the store. Normally, if we are honest with ourselves, we tend to roll our eyes, maybe even wrinkle our nose in distaste about someone wearing dirty clothes to go out in public to go shopping. It was less than five minutes later I saw the same woman walking back out of the store with three huge bottles of laundry detergent. Evidently it really was laundry day which had me wondering if she had been frantically pawing thru a huge pile of clothes that morning for anything to wear...

Down the road while traveling I saw a small cottage with a row of mature evergreens in front of the house. The trees couldn't have been much more than 10 or 15 feet away from the front door. Smack in the middle of the windbreak of trees was a large tree, broken and lying to the left of the house. It's trunk twisted but still connected to the base of the tree. I wondered if whoever lived there was home at the time when the storm struck? Were they fervently praying to God when the winds blew... and he answered? By all accounts the tree should have fallen on the house, but instead it twisted and fell in the only spot that it could to miss everything,... the house, the other trees, and the power lines...

Turning off onto the access road to the interstate I saw a suitcase by the side of the road. Lost luggage I wondered? Til driving closer I could see a man lying in the tall grass sleeping, curled up as if the earth was his pillow. Tramp...transient...bum would be the first thing that would pop into most people's minds. I could only wonder where was he going and where had he come from. Did he have a destination or was he just traveling, and killing time, trying to find himself or some kind of purpose?...

It made me all start to think of an old Jimmy Stewart movie called "Rear Window". In the movie, Jimmy Stewart had a broken leg in a cast and he spends his days staring out his window at the apartments across the street thru his binoculars. Thru his window he can see their lives unfolding before his eyes. Granted in the movie, he thinks he has witnessed a murder and I didn't see anything of that nature, but it did make me think and feel that I was staring in someone's rear window. I saw small glimpses that I might have instantly dismissed or not even noticed.

I saw kindness, ..I saw ingenuity...I saw daily toils and struggles... I saw a small miracle and I saw life such as it is for some. That is what I love about being connected to all of you here on Multiply. Thru your blogs I am given a glimpse thru your rear window. I see and read about your trials, your triumphs, your joys and your sorrows...

I see you.



  1. Another great blog, Miss Viccles...

    (...and I KNEW it was you peeping last night...that's why I hid all my 'stuff')...

  2. Agrees with Suzi..another lovely blog..a couple of years ago I made a similar blog titled "zee went on a drive''. I had compared each person I saw and their activities to the people I knew on here. My language is not as eloquent as your's is. And I tend to indulge in comedy. I loved reading your observations.
    Goes to buy a hot pink wig.

  3. You have a gift of keeping my intrest~my husband would have stopped and given the man laying in the grass the monet for food or a ride! ;o) I have seen a tornado pick up a pine straw and thread it through a tree as if threading a needle! You sound alot like myself~we think too much ;o) Enjoyed the rear view just don't slap me in the back of my head!

  4. Great blog again Vic I love reading what you write. You have a gift. Zee has a gift too.
    When I was a working girl in the city , my girl friend and I used to sit on a seat in the center of town and eat our lunch in the hour we had. We used to love watching people and wondered all sorts about the person who walked by. I still do it ! If I am anywhere where there are people I still love to sit and watch , I may be in the car, on a seat outside a shop , in a park eating lunch, but It is a fascinating thing to do. If people look at you looking at them I say hello and smile and have had some great conservations. Thanks for the reminders Vic.

  5. Interesting blog, we so often miss the everyday things around us. How many times have you said to someone "Did you see that?" only to find out that no they didn't. That is why photography can be such an interesting and engrossing hobby, photographs are all around us, we only have to 'notice' them. You have taken 'photographs ' and painted them in words.

  6. Oh another dilly of a blog Ms. Viccles. I luv to watch people...well anything that moves.

  7. I LOVE days like this Viccles.....and people watching is so thought provoking!!!! Another well done blog.......get going on the book lady !!!!!!

  8. (((HUGS))) I enjoyed reading. Thanks for the reminder that we are all human.

  9. *sighs*......beautiful and though provoking. I am always glad when I get to read another future 'installment' of that book that you should write.

  10. vic you are indeed a great writer :) thank you for sharing :)

  11. Yeah I was asleep, so it was you that kick my coffee over and stole my suitcase...Dang pink haired muppet

  12. Wow that was like chocolate (background) and a good bookYou need to help me with the book I have started and sstopped nine zillion times. You know how to get my intrest. have a blessed day

  13. Sounds like you had a interesting drive. It is fascinating to watch other people.

  14. Loved the blog, the topic and the vocabulary. I noticed most, your use of rhythmn within retrospect, furtive glancing if you will, as if truly peering out a rear window. I usually prefer a stronger voice in writing, but yours truly captured my attention. Now what's this about a book?

  15. An interesting read, Vic.Getting outside of ourselves and our own problems and taking a real look at those around us can be very uplifting.

  16. Viccles is such an enchanting and attention getting writer.I think she should write a book.....I miss Erma Bombeck,......she could be a GREAT replacement!! Did I mention funny???

  17. Wow fantastic analogy of daily happenings in the lives of ...
    We do see things, wonder for an instant and it gets quickly dismissed. It's great how you were able to bring it out in amazing writing.
    Now then cough I had to go and rush to put on something more presentable when you said you see us. Waves to you, I see you too, can I have that brownie?

  18. Oh and it's great that you got more detailed info about your great grandparents

  19. What a beautiful blog. Thank you for sharing it with us all. You truly have two gifts.....one of the power of observation and the other for writing so eloquently. Thanks for helping make my day!

  20. Awesome blog, Vic. You should be a writer. Well, you are one!

  21. I'm sure glad I'm not one of then weirdos with one of those computers mounted on a toilet bowl sitting naked typing at the keyboard.

    That was a cool blog Vic. I was always stopping at the store on my way back from the fields with the tractor when I was younger. It was also a place to fuel up and not using up the supply of gas we had in our tanks. Most farmers would stop in at that store on their trips back and fourth or for a sandwich for lunch or a quart of beer.
    The woman with the detergent is a good example for people not to judge others to quickly.I walk off a job site after working all day, stop in a store for a bottle of water for my 60 mile drive home and get all kinds of disgusted looks because I'm dirty and stained with perspiration. and mud Common sense to me would say construction worker and quitting time but that doesn't seem to matter. Going back to the tractor days and the dairy farm, back then I would have had cow manure and such maybe on my boots and no one would have said a word or thought it was odd or show disgust..
    I'm betting those folks living in the home with the tree ripped a part in their yard are very thankful it missed their home. If they weren't religious maybe they are now. 2 miracles for the price of one.

  22. I hope everyone has a window to time to look out and enjoy what is going on around them. Nice blog Vic.

  23. I came by this way through Chippy's page to see if you had a Foto Fun blog, and had to read this when I saw the title. You write very eloquently. I truly enjoyed reading about your glimpses into life...

  24. I am nosy and loved the title of your blog so stopped to read am very glad I did..what a great blog.. too often we don't "see" am glad you shared your experiences with everyone :)
