Sunday, August 9, 2009

One Sentence... that is a name you don't hear too often any more.

Otto, Albertine, Beulah, Grover...Cleveland.....named for a past president?

All names from the past, my past, but a past made up of people I have never met or remember.

I had a lot of company last month. Family members came to visit several days and nearing at the end of the visit, a camera was brought out and pictures taken while members groaned and posed for family pictures. Which then lead to old photo albums being drug out and pictures  poured over like lost and newly found friends. One of my brother's kept finding pics and then would go over to show his kids and they would nonchalantly look at the pic and go back to watching tv or playing games. I really can't blame the kids, they wouldn't know or have a memory tied to the picture like their father did. Memories are tied up in pictures, or pictures tie up memories, either way they help to prod long forgotten moments, capture a time or place or a bit of history for each of us. The picture at the top of my blog is of either my great great grandparents or my great great great grandparents. I'm not sure, I can't remember what I was told, and it's on my list of things to do soon in finding out from my grandmother who they are again. She's the only one who knows, the only one who would be able to tell and remind me so that I can mark on the back of the copied print their names and possibly a date or place in that particular time of their lives.

I know some of you on my friend's list have been bitten by the ancestry bug and have been working for years on assembling information and tracing back your family trees. I admire you for taking that on, it's a daunting task trying to fit all the pieces together in your genetic make up. If you are lucky enough you have some old photos to help put a face to a name and can look for familiar similarities in family members. I have some family history written down. On my mom's dad's side, his mother's lineage has been traced back quite aways by another distant relative and there was even a book published back in the 1970's of their findings. Family trees keep growing though, and already the book is almost 40 years behind in additions that need to be made to each branch that keeps sprouting. It's never ending. I have the basics written down for just our particular branch and I need to dig my notes back out to add more information.

It's a heck of a lot of work, keeping track of history. With each passing decade it seems like the history gets smaller and smaller. I could write a lot about my mom, her mother, and a little about my great grandmother, but after that I just don't know much. I could name a few dates and names and look at my list and know just the barest of information about them. Great grandpa was a farmer, a truck driver, a barber,..he broke horses, he was rich and then poor and he always drove down the center of the road. Further back though, all that I have are listings of people with a date, and if they are lucky, one sentence. Such and such was a farmer, such and such was a school teacher. So and so had 10 kids, that person was sickly, died early. She was a spinster, he was a governor. It's kind of depressing when you think about it, a  whole life  summed up in just one sentence.

I got to looking at a particular picture that was taken around 1921. My grandmother was a senior in high school that year, and all of the family is either sitting or standing outside of a home posing for the picture. What always strikes me most when looking at old pictures is how nobody ever smiles much. I've heard it said that was because they had poor teeth back then, but I think it's more than that. Even the kids have the most somber of faces. I think it was such a hard life back then, they were just tired. Some faces stick out from the picture though. It's the eyes that stare back at you and you realize that each one of them had hopes and dreams and you wonder if their dreams were ever realized. My grandmother, at the top of her high school class dreamed of going to college, it's her biggest regret. At 17 she found herself married with a baby on the way like most girls her age. At times when I sit and listen to her talk I can see the years seem to drop from her face as it glows with a memory in her eyes as much as her smile. I think of future generations that won't know her, she will be just a date, and if she is lucky there will a notation or sentence after her name in someones memory book.

It made me start to think that we need a designated keeper of memories. Someone who writes down all the important stuff. Not just names, and occupations, and dates, and how many kids they had, but the good stuff. Stuff like dreams, and hopes and aspirations. Stuff that let us know the real person behind the picture. Let's face it, unless you were someone that achieved a lot of fame, we are all designated to be forgotten after a few generations til someone stumbles upon a picture or catches a bug to trace their family history. This blog isn't meant to be depressing or make anyone feel old and forgotten or that they didn't accomplish a whole heck of a lot in this lifetime. It's about how each of us has a sentence that sums up our whole lives, and it gives one a lot to ponder on just what our sentence will be and how we would want to be remembered.

At this point in my life I still don't know what my sentence is going to say or be. I can't really think of anything that sticks out of great importance. Maybe that is how it's all suppose to be. In our books of family, we are each a sentence that makes up the whole story. No sentence stands out much more than the other, they are all tied together in paragraphs and chapters and endless pages ... and if we are lucky, our storybooks will have pictures...


**(From top to bottom of the pictures of the great great grandmother, my great grandmother, my grandmother, and my mom as a young child)...


  1. How interesting Vic..I have a family tree going strong on both sides..maternal and paternal. I think I have blogged it on 360..maybe even here..I'll check and highlight it. Your grandmother was beauutiful. I think our grandchildren will have CD's to save now. I don't see anyone preserving pictures. I have tried to get EVERY old picture framed and hung them on a family archive wall. I hope it's appreciated someday and my great grandchildren are told that I saved these pics for them. Because this is our heritage. I'll come back later and read this again Vic..hugs.

  2. All these women have the same eyes and lips. Beautiful women Vic. This is a terrific blog and I so relate to it. Everyone I have found has a sentence also because there is no one left to tell their story.

  3. I am speechless, Viccles...and it made me cry, which I know wasn't your intent, so don't feel's just the way things are...

    This is an amazing blog...thank you for writing it. xoxox

  4. Please write a book Viccles....... this is amazing stuff!!!!!

  5. Well Vic ! How thought provoking! Thanks so much.
    I noticed the same resemblances too Misty.
    I am fortunate I have family books from both sides, and I add to them what I know and what has changed . I also have a book all about my grandmother and her life .She met my grandfather when she was 5 , they were at school together, and were married for weeks off 75 years . Grandpa had a huge stroke and died. He was 96. They lived their last years with my Mum. My gma used to read the Bible to gpa every night as he had bad eyesight, and they used to sit on the couch at my Mums house with a lovely blanket over their knees......if you lifted up the blanket.....they were always holding HANDS.! so sweet . Gma lived till she was 98 yrs old 6 years after gpa died.

  6. awsome, I really enjoyed this alot. For most of my life all I had ever known was my mothers side of my heritage. My Mom was really into tracing her ancestry and was able to go pretty far back. After my Mom left for heaven, her brother took over the studying of the "Family tree" and found many more interesting things. And now my uncle has gone to heaven too. One of his daughters has all the info, one day maybe i'll be able to look at it. On my paternal side of my branch, almost nothing but questions ? Someday I hope to find out, but then again maybe I should just let that branch go. ?? yea let it go

  7. I came back ought to write more often. Its so sad that the likes of me who just go on and on with inane prittle prattle...while some of you wordsmiths dole out such good stuff so seldom. I feel deprived you know. Yeah..I'm nagging.
    Glenda my mum and dad met when my mum was 8 too..the families knew eachother well..and they were taken to a cinema, where dad sat 4 seats away from her lol..he was at that ''eww girls'' age then ! Who knew then they'd grow up and produce me!!

  8. Having spent a lot of time trying to collect information from the past myself, I fully understand what you mean about how it gets harder and harder to find anything as you go back another generation.

    It seems that no one really bothered or cared to keep notes on their happenings... even burying their loved ones with a simple boulder for a head stone with maybe just their initials carved into it.

    I'm thinking that it's because those people really KNEW who they were.... unlike today's world that is constantly searching for identity.

  9. genealogy is so desparatly hard and yet miserably addictive. I have done it for near 15 years now and have got nowhere on two names . Yet as far back as 1400s on one lol. by the way you grand mama is gorgeous. Hope your day is magical Delicious

  10. "I'm not sure, I can't remember what I was told, and it's on my list of things to do soon in finding out from my grandmother who they are again. She's the only one who knows" DO THIS NOW.
    THERE IS NOTHING LIKE PERSONAL MEMORIES AND STORIES TO HELP CREATE THE PAST. I have spent years trying to create mine and the number of times I have regretted not having started when pat family were alive. The pictures are priceless, I envy you.

  11. Back years ago people never put names on a picture leaving those of us here today to wonder who the heck that is..My mother had a bunch of picture's but when she passed away I didn't get a one of them. I tried to do some searching for people of my past but it involved a lot more time than what I had to give and some info. is really hidden and anyone that would know is already gone.

  12. OK, none of them have pink hair. Black or white pictures or not. I'm thinking that second picture looks like Alice off the Brady Bunch.
    It's a good thing they invented tricycles Vic or they woulda kept passing mules through the generations.

  13. none have hair like urs thopugh viccles - but i see freckles

  14. No mules but I did inherit a lot of stubborness,...(from my relatives, not the mule!)lol

  15. WHAT is wrong with inheriting mules?

  16. I have always loved genealogy and having married mtn, it has opened up a whole new family for me to research *smiles*. My problem is I don't know where to stop going down some of the branches of the family tree! {{{mopsy hugs}}}

  17. Wonderful vic, just wonderful...Thank you.. KOC

  18. sure have me thinking about the 'one sentence' protocol now. And I just now read your blog and yet as you know I did a small 'pictures bring memory' blog yesterday. And even though I have not minded the work of going through all the pictures we have at my house...your blog has inspired me to not stop and to work more hours than I have been to 'get it done'. Of course we now have pictures of land where old farms my Dad lived on as a kid once stood. But he and the uncles love those pictures of grass and trees and maybe a dusty path....and they point out where the house was, the barn and even the outhouse. Thanks for this blog gave me a wee boost I think I needed. *hug*

  19. "In our books of family, we are each a sentence that makes up the whole story." A well stated sentence Viccles. It's a great treasure hunt to go back into your own past and dig out their stories and how they compare with your own.
    Very well written Viccles and thanks for sharing - the women are clearly all related it shows in their eyes.

  20. Nice blog Vic, your can see from the picture that they are related, particularly the eyes.

  21. Des..I have a pictures of my maternal grandmother and paternal grandmother..both in their mid 20s. If you place those pictures next to my black and white picture in my 20s. I look exactly like BOTH of them lol. Even the eyes and lips. Everyone at home has always wondered how that is possible.
