Tuesday, June 30, 2009

June 30, 2009


I had forgotten about the passion fruit...and for some reason I still want to call them pomegranates, even though you educated us on the difference...

But I remembered when I saw the pic, that pic of the glossy, globby bits of seeds you tried to convince us was a taste of pure bliss,... but all that we could see were "tadpoles"...

I looked deeper and saw you in a rut, not just any rut, but a big rut that you drove straight into and somehow managed to climb out of...

I read the words,... your words,... and it's as if you were standing beside me and reading them to me over my shoulder.

Serious words, silly words, words that wrapped around ones tongue and followed a path that lead us to your thoughts. Thoughts you were kind enough to let us see and experience along with you.

Sometimes you added pictures, gloriously colored pictures, but your words already painted a picture for us...

I was jealous of hairbugs...going places, seeing places, experiencing places....as much as a stuffed bear could see and experience...

I stole a moon picture from your blog,... not to claim as my own, but to post here....your moon, ...and as you saw it one night and wondered and basked in it's glowing light...

I have your letter, not an e-mail but a real letter, that you sent to me after one evening of chatting and how I moaned that no one writes letters any more, and how letters were so much more tangible than e-mails....And so you wrote me a letter in your own flowing writing that I knew had passed thru your hands into so many others and finally ended up across the world in my tin-colored mailbox like a small miracle upon it's safe arrival.

I have the pics you sent, I still have some of your e-mails, and even an opened jar of vegemite that I can't seem to bare to part with even though I never could seem to acquire a taste for it's salty flavor...

I have memories of our late night chats...the instant messages, the giggles, the smiles, and the hugs....

I learned what gobsmacked meant...

I sit here and I try to find the words and they don't come so easy...I keep reading your written words to try and absorb them and you, and I keep feeling the anxiousness as if they are slipping away with you...I read the words from your entry of November...the 3rd of 2006 (has it really been that long ago?)...

I keep rereading that entry, because if ever there were the words that described you it was in those few sentences. It's hard to condense ones life into just words, whether describing your own or someone elses...

But it's the words that I miss the most,...those thoughts set to paper or to the keyboard that traveled the world that let us, ...me, ...know you...

Thank you Poss for you and your words...










  1. Here is Poss's original blog entry if you are unable to read the jpg above: http://blog.360.yahoo.com/blog-SNC6D6UhdLUEQ8CQSxTfckH5embu?p=640#comments

    (reminder that yahoo will be closing down all the blogs this month over on 360)

  2. Beautiful....you are a wordsmith too...(I felt as if Poss wrote this about someone else!!) I could never write as beautifully as she did, I was so completely in awe of her writings. Can I transfer that awe towards you now please? I constantly need someone so full of words to be in awe of..it's a selfish thing. And she pointed out the pomegranates here too. She took pictures of the fruitshops. And just the other day I used the word '' gobsmacked ''...and someone who loves her said..that is Poss's word lol. So many of us stole her moon. Your words have touched my heart Vic...I could hug you.

  3. You know before I even started reading your blog, I knew that was a "Poss moon".....And Zeeeeeeee is so you, you do have a lot of the same writing style as Poss.....My heart breaks for not getting a chance to meet her....though we talked on the phone when she was at Dutch's house. But I know she is free, free to shine down on us just like the moon she loved.....I will never see another full moon and not remember her.
    Great blog Viccles.......hugssssss

  4. What happened to Poss?? Probably a daft question but i am guessing she has passed over?
    She used to crack me up in the garden room about 6/7 years ago, crickey , was it that long ago when i stayed up half the night chatting to some terrific peeps? lol
    RIP poss, you were a sweetheartxx

  5. So sad when someone you have bonded with passes, you just sit back gobsmacked at the devastating news. I never knew the lady personally other than through the pages of my Friends that were also her Friends. She will obviously be missed with sadness but at the same time with fond memories of the happiness she brought into the life of those who knew her.

  6. Having a good friend and then they not be there is one of the hardest things for those that are left here on this earth to deal with. My heart goes out to those that miss this wonderful lady but I also know you each were blessed in knowing her and she is looking down on everyone of you.

  7. What a beautiful tribute Vic, even though I did not know her, I came to love her through your post. What a wonderful gift of memories she left in her quake. Hugs.

  8. "The PassionFruit blog link"...(of course it was on something else entirely different, but we "hijacked" it and took it in another direction)...make sure and read the next blog afterwards for the history of the passionfruit. http://blog.360.yahoo.com/blog-SNC6D6UhdLUEQ8CQSxTfckH5embu?p=1183#comments ...

  9. This is the best writing I've seen from you. Perfect timing. Hugs.

  10. beautiful. I did know this lady poss, but I do remeber her from the old days of 360.
    I did go and read the links you have on here. I remember that teddy bear !
    I gather this Lady is no longer here on earth, But is with all the angels above.

  11. Very well written Vic with touching words, it is sad. I read herb log I'm sorry I didn't know her, but I did have a good friend for many years where we giggled and chatted and then one day I received an e-mail from her daughter, my friend had passed away. Somehow the years pass but we carry those memories with us as if yesterday.

  12. Possum was one person who really did make a difference. Beautiful post Vic {{{mopsy hugs}}}
