Thursday, March 14, 2013



Just what is reality? Is it our version, the world's version or just a version unto it's self?

We are bombarded daily with shows on tv called "reality shows". I often roll my eyes at the seemingly lack of realness about them. I watch hardly any of them. I avoid the vast majority of them like the plague.

I have never watched a bachelor looking for a bride, I have never seen the efforts of the hopeful trying to dance or sing their way to the top. I'm not interested in bored rich housewives across the country, nor do I wish to watch grown men play with and try to catch gators.

Some of those reality shows I almost find a bit offensive. Amish bad guys, or I am assuming they are bad guys seeing as they call themselves a type of mafia. Preacher's daughters that has me wondering what kind of preacher wants to go on tv to play the role of the strict out dated father while their young, bad little girls try to find as much mischief as they can. It isn't the kind of preacher I would want to preach to me about choices and how to live my life.

I have multiple friends and family members that are addicted to reality shows though. They can't miss a single episode of men out in the dark searching for a mythical bigfoot that never can be found or a decent photograph of them taken. It's the adult form of the boogie man, and if they would have paid attention to their childhood, they would know the boogie man can be found under the bed or in the closet. But still they watch for an hour or more, as the characters stumble around in the dark only to hear rustling or howling or whatever it is bigfeet do in the dark.

I will admit to watching two reality shows. One on the Sci-fi channel about a competition of make-up artists that try to create and paint creatures, and another one on being top chefs as they battle each week with their own skills at making dishes to tempt the palette. I like the idea of being able to see someone's talent and how they use it and how their mind thinks in their efforts. Similiar to some other reality shows some might say, but for some reason those other shows don't interest me.

That's the thing about reality. We view our reality and the reality of others differently. What may appear real to us may not be so real to others. That chasing huge hairy beasts thru trailer parks, and gator infested swamps with gypsies and the Amish hot on their tails is someone's vision or version of reality...and that is okay. We all are different in our views and beliefs and our realities are in  part of our own making.

Over on facebook, a gardening group I am in, are having a growing contest. A variety of plants and ideas were suggested and zinnias ended up being the top vote getter. So many have already mentioned the variety of zinnias they have bought or ordered and some members overseas have already got zinnias in the ground, growing and starting to bloom.

I spent some time looking thru all of my catalogs, just looking for that perfect zinnia. Something new and different from what everyone else was growing. I ordered my one packet of seeds with high hopes and dreams of big swaths of giant pink cactus type blooms of my variety of zinnias that I would plant.

Imagine my distress to learn that my gardening nemesis "Vero" had ordered the exact same zinnias from the same catalog. Grrrr! But the reality is I should have expected it. Vero and I get a lot of the same catalogs, have a similiar taste in plants and are always looking for something new to try.

The reality is that most likely Vero will have those beautiful drifts of pink zinnias that I dream about having, and that I will in fact, most likely won't. Last year we had a terrible drought that we are still in. Despite the large snowfall amounts this winter it has made hardly a dent in our dry conditions. It takes a heck of a lot of snow to amount to an inch of rain.

My reality this summer most likely will be more drought. My high hopes of tall masses of the bright pink flowers will most likely be stunted, crispy plants with hints of mildew from over watering to try and  make my zinnia flowers grow.

It keeps me going though. Those dreams of big bold colorful blooms. It's what keeps me growing every year, this hope of having "pow, in your face" flowers and gardens that rival any English garden or Chelsea flower show entry. It's a sad attempt at a reality that won't most likely ever match up with the visions of my mind.

But I still try, much like the elusive bigfoot, I know it has to be possible. I just don't want to come face to face with the reality of either.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Ink Blot Blog

Some days, I feel as dumb as toast. Seriously you would think with the increasing years and time spent on the computer that my computer prowess would be up there, really up there. That I could spout computer jargon, ramble off html codes, and know exactly what all these buttons do on the keyboard. I have to confess, there are some buttons I haven't even used on here...ever.

The same applies to anything that is associated with computers, routers, external ports, or electronics in general.

You would think the simple act of running a printer would be no big deal, and it hasn't been in the past but for some reason it's become difficult.

First off, the ink required for the printer I have to order on-line. Living in a rural area, there really are no options except to order from a local business and then they will let you know when it comes in, so I just have it delivered here in the first place.

So I was quite happy the other day when my new ink cartridges arrived. No longer is one cartridge required for printers but two. One with black ink, and one with color. I should mention in my defense I have replaced ink cartridges before but for some reason yesterday was a total fiasco.

Step 1... Turn on printer...check

Step 2....Remove old cartridges...check

Step 3....Insert new cartridges...check

Step 4....Align new cartridge, press "OK" button...test pattern prints ......check

Step 5....Scan and print new document...check... Sort of ...

What the heck? First page prints okay-ish, second page prints with line of red in the middle, third page prints half red. Fourth, fifth, sixth pages look like blood bath. Ack!

Step 6....Read on-line manual, follow steps to clean cartridge carriage, remove carriage, ink cartridges and reinstall.

Step 7....Align new cartridges again, Press "OK" button..again....prints test pattern okay.

Step 8....Try to print documents again, print carriage out of align, warning to open printer again and reinstall carriage and ink cartridges.

Step 9...Clean and re-align carriage, insert ink cartidges...Align new ink cartidges for third time...(why is there nothing to skip this step any where?)...lovely 3rd sheet of colored squares of proper alignment.

Step 10...Print works.

Step 11...Print 6 more pages, 7th page very faint.

Step 12...Take out black ink cartridge only and replace back in making sure it clicks into place, skip the color cartridge in order to trick printer from doing cartridge alignment.

Step 13...Doesn't work, printer yelling with flashing words to click "OK" button to do alignment.

Step 14...Alignment is blank.

Step 15...Next 5 attempts at printing are blank.

Step 16...Open printer, remove carriage, cartridges and stare at printer innards blankly and stuff everything back into place.

Step 17....##!!!!!**!##!! Alignment again, click $$%##!!!!* "OK" button again.

Step 18.... Nothing.... Out of ink

Shipping and handling and cost of ink, $38 for 8 pages.

Step 19.....Visit copier at library today.